Non serviam.

I didn't take into account the effect of two days of back-to-back hospital appointments. The effect on my system just whacked me on the head this morning as I missed the buzzer for my 7 am meds by almost 2 hours! I was having small naps this afternoon, but it' s all good. Yesterday, I ordered a roti from a new (to me) place, and I was very happy with it. I ate about half, and today I finished the other half. Still good. I'm pleasantly surprised, and relieved to be able to get a decent roti in Ottawa-we're approaching grown up status now! I have been used as a dog bed again- I’ll have to accept that as my role in life where the tiny dictator is concerned! He crawls onto my chair, pats my legs with his feet, and then arranges himself on my lap. Have I mentioned his bossy nature? But, as my neighbour pointed out in the elevator yesterday, life is definitely not dull with him running the show!
I got an update this week from a friend who, like far too many others, I haven't seen for months. She shared that she starts a new job in the public service this week. She's been applying for almost 2 years, and finally got called up. I'm very happy for her. Since I first met her, she had impressed me with her drive, ambition and approach. She spent some time on improving her English (not her first, or even second, language); then began to work on her French. I'm glad that it's beginning to pay off for her. She's the second person this summer who started new jobs. I'm really proud to know these bright, ambitious, new-to-Canada ladies. The future of the public service is auspicious with them, and others like them, joining the ranks. Best of luck, ladies!
Like many of you, I look at my Facebook memories most days. Today I was reminded of a post sent by Joanne 8 years ago... it referred to an article about a study that said that, regardless of the severity of the diagnosis, people who decided to be happy had better outcomes. It was sent with a short note, simply, "Keep smiling!" It made me smile again today when I read it, and another email from a (newer) friend who said star my attitude was encouraging. First, thanks for the pats on the back. I do have days when the world feels heavy, but I do try to remain positive and upbeat. Second, it's nice to hear that I can help keep people smiling even if I'm out of the loop (or it feels like I am, sometimes.) It's great to get calls, texts or emails from people who let me know that they think of me.
I'm not perfect by a long chalk! I have many moments when it's dark and depressing, but there are days when life is good. I do wish that I had more energy to do things, or even to go for a drive or walk... instead, after 2 days of medical appointments, I have to rest so I don't collapse from exhaustion. I've got an ever-growing list of things that I'd like to do, which will continue to wait... if I'm less tired this week, I'll try to get in a fun activity that's neither a medical appointment, nor a necessary errand nor anything "serious! It will be a fun thing. I'll decide on the first day that's nice, when I have energy and I can persuade someone to go with me! Consider this a fair warning, people!
Meanwhile, good night all. Odds are that I'll be asleep at midnight, but the post will be available then! Gotta love auto- updates! Sleep well. I’ve taken my medication so I should get to sleep in about an hour or so.
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