Cura te ipsum

Today my sleep was a little challenging. Because I slept in the afternoon yesterday, I had a rather broken night, with some bizarre dreams. Rather annoying! Then too, because I didn't eat properly, my blood sugar level dropped very low, which aggravates sleep issues. I intend going in reasonably early tonight, in the hope of sorting out sleep problems before they take hold. It's supposed to be a chilly night (8° c) which is actually fabulous for sleep. I'll be wrapped up like a roti, enjoying the breeze from the slightly open window. I'm still not eating as well as I'd like but food is going in, and although I'm still gagging, food stays down. I see more conversations with my doctor...

The little dictator has shifted allegiance tonight, and is rolled into a ball on Don, "watching" baseball. He's allegedly concentrating so hard that his eyes are shut... I'm not commenting! They're happy there.

I went for a short walk this afternoon to get something from the pharmacy. It was the first time that I didn't use the walker and just kept the cane. I managed ok, the walk there and back is just past my endurance. By the time I was on the way back my knees were weak and I felt like I was going to fall. Fortunately I didn't. I had an urge to sit, but I thought that I had enough energy to finish my walk home- I did, barely! But I have had to stay seated since, because my legs had turned to jelly! I'm amazed at how quickly I get tired, still. I don't have the reserves that I think I do.

It's a little irritating that my impulses exceed my reserves. There are so many things that I'd like to do, but when I have days where my biggest accomplishment is getting our of bed and dressing, then I need to adjust my expectations. It's all good; I'll just reevaluate what I expect and change my plans. After all, that's what project managers do, right? And that's what my career was built around-making things happen when nothing was going according to plan!  It’s still annoying, but at least I can still adjust and plan things.  Like travel.  I’ve imagined about 6 trips so far, and i don’t know how many of them will materialize (apart from the trip to visit family back home!)

So, as noted above, I'm off to bed early tonight. Again, this auto updates at midnight; you can access it earlier if I'm asleep before I cross-post! Good night!


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