ex aequo

Well, I slept quite well last night. I went in fairly early. had a bit of difficulty getting to sleep, but I finally nodded off by midnight. I woke up at 8, was late taking my first dose, and I've been half- tired all day, but didn't sleep. My appetite isn't back yet, either, plus  I am still dealing with nausea. My nurse arrives tomorrow, so I'll see what she recommends,  Jerry, tiny dictator, pushed both my crochet and my iPad off my lap and jumped on me himself, and took a nap. He barely moved when the phone rang-this is unusual, as he normally begins to bark when I get a call! I did evict him briefly when I had lunch, but he reinstalled himself when I finished eating. My radiation treatment begins on Monday, and I have the first week's schedule. I confess that I'm not thrilled about this, but it's necessary, and I'll get through it, DV. I'd still like a super power, because all the comics show that radioactivity leads to superpowers-Spiderman, Mr. Manhattan, the Hulk, etc. So I think that I should get a boost! Speaking of, if Health Canada decides that COVID boosters are required, I'll be there with my sleeve rolled up to get mine!

I'm distressed that we still, in 2021, consider "feminism" E be a dirty word, I would have thought that we'd moved past almost all those women's lib squabbles. I mean, it's 50 + years later! why are we still having those "jokes" and "arguments" now? Why aren't we focussed on improving society. instead of refighting old skirmishes? I saw a video, purporting to be a joke, that suggested that there would be a men's version of "Handmaid's Tale." Now, I'm in a minority of people who was bored by the book, and haven't invested any time on the "made for TV" series which apparently shocked many viewers.

I know that there are some very hard core feminists who go around being anti-male and spouting rubbish about needing a man being like a" fish needing a bicycle." Frankly, that's just dumb. Humans need other humans. Some of us are romantically and sexually attracted to the opposite see, while others prefer their own. Not a big deal. I-find it stupid to teach youth that heterosexual interactions are all rape, or that women can only be satisfied by women. I'm of the "live and let live," philosophy, where you do what makes you happy as long as you don't hurt others, or involve minors. Similarly, men teaching that women should be kept in the kitchen, or that we aren't capable of making decisions or any of the ideologies that were overturned in the last 60 years are dangerously outdated and should be re-educated. It's disappointing that our media personnel seem to shew questions for women to focus on hair, makeup and clothes., or heavily on family-care and then last on their business ( artistic/political/scientific career. Men are never asked "who are you wearing?" Nor "How do you balance work and home?" Isn't it time that they do better? Isn't-it past time for applauding a man who does housework? The thing is, I know several men who are wonderful, caring husbands who quietly share domestic tasks with their wives, but they're not typical of magazine fodder.

Ok I'm going to have to avoid watching the news when I'm tired and slightly cranky from tiredness and nausea- I'll retire quietly with my "traditional feminine" hobby of crochet and make myself a hot beverage...  Good night, all! Dream well!


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