crescit cum commercio civitas

My energy took a massive nose- dive today. So I had a sluggish afternoon, and hoped that it would pass quickly. Still feeling somewhat drained, but at least I've eaten a bit and taken my meds. I'm pleased that I've got fewer pills to take than when I first came home from the hospital. Progress, right?

Here we are in September. Summer is ending, slowly. School is back in session, after 2 years of distance learning. But Christmas decorations are already out in stores. Every year I grumble that retailers are rushing the season. Because we start now, and by the time November arrives, most people are sick of it. As much as I love Christmas (I know, I haven't fully grown up as the kids will tell you) I'd prefer a shorter lead up, so it's more concentrated. Plus, as I've groused before, the music is reduced to a heavy rotation of about a dozen songs, so I'm totally sick of them. 

When Don worked in retail, he said that it killed what was left of his Christmas spirit.  In fact, he refuses to attend any Christmas concerts, because they are certain to play "Little Drummer Boy," a song he hates with a deep and abiding hatred! I do like it, but I'm sure that I would also be sick of it if I'd heard it played all day, every day-it was a toy that people enjoyed starting as they passed. I have to admit that I actively dislike several new Christmas songs - like the one about the shoes, among others. I think that I would enjoy being able to celebrate the holidays in as many places as possible.. It would be marvellous to experience Christmas around the globe. My friends and I celebrate Orthodox Christmas as well as the Western one, so both December 25 and January 7. I've got used to doing that now; it's such fun!

Every year I have great ambitions for making gifts. And most years none materialize. I have managed a few years when handmade items were completed in time for (Orthodox) Christmas, and on one memorable year, I was able to mail gifts to Trinidad and they actually arrived on time. I'm hoping to complete one, possibly two, handmade items this year. I'm not identifying the potential recipients, just in case I don't meet my lofty goals. I won't punish myself if I don't make the goal, but I may be insufferably smug and proud if I do! Not sure which would be preferable.  😬 This year I think that I will try making traditional black cake. I understand that the fruit should begin soaking in late September, so I'll give it a shot. Lark mom wrote out her recipe for me, and it's the closest to my grandmother's recipe that I've ever tasted, so that's my new, old Christmas dish for the year. The other items may or may not get done. Well, the pastels will be made. But that's all I can guarantee.

In any event, while I'm going to make all reasonable efforts to reach my goal, I still think that it's far too early for Christmas decorations and music in stores. Although I don't celebrate Halloween, it's not unreasonable to get past that before we start singing about Frosty and Rudolph! It's even better to make it past Remembrance Day (Nov. 11) for that. We neglect our Veterans so dreadfully that it's not too much to honour them without squashing the day further.

I  can’t talk about how Christmas  has been attacked by retail without mentioning the Christmas movie!  They’re so unutterably saccharine sweet, pointless and repetitive that it’s hard to understand why they’re so popular!  Perhaps the fact that they’re so bland and pointless is why — they’re convenient backdrops for the other tasks going on.  You know the ones I mean, right?  The big-city executive woman has to go to small town Christmas thing and make it successful so she can get the big promotion; there she meets the ruggedly handsome, non-threatening single dad with a syrupy cloying child who wins over the executive (who never had time for children) and then she has to decide whether she stays in small town (yes) or return to her high powered job… For some reason, these are needed in mid-summer for reasons that aren’t clear to anyone except those making money from them…

I do enjoy planning for the holidays. Even if I plan more than I actually accomplish. But I don't stress about it. whatever gets done is great. I love the meals, and all the glitter that goes with the event. I have not put up a tree for several years, mostly because of various cancer treatments. But it's Ok. We are together, and we enjoy that. Plus, I remind myself that no tree means less cleaning up after! We do have a few special dishes for dinner, and extra desserts, so we do manage celebrations. It's all good.  I’ll do what I can, and enjoy the days anyway!


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