Regnat populus

I had a super-crappy night. I suffered several bouts of diarrhoea so I was unable to sleep much before 4:15am, then I awoke at 7:20 am, took my 7 am meds and tried to sleep again. During the night, my sugar reading was so very low, that I needed a snack before I went back to sleep. It was a disrupted night. Today I have next to no energy, and I'm dozing off quickly. I'll go back to bed early-I cancelled a visit from a nurse this afternoon.

Today I'm paying for yesterday's walk. And to everyone who has rightly questioned my decision- making capacity, Thanks for your concern. I know that it was not the finest example of my abilities. I'm tired and I feel trembly. I'll take the time to recuperate and I won't repeat it. As you've guessed, I was pushing myself to show that I'm more independent. You all know that I'm stubborn and sometimes my stubbornness overrides my common sense. You also know that I will admit my failings, so there's hope for improvement! I will be good, and the next time I go for a walk, I'll pause for a few minutes to recuperate before I walk home. The mantra of "If I walk there I have to walk back," still applies. I'll amend it to add, "I will be more careful with managing my energy."

So elections are next Monday. Like many Canadians, I'm not pleased that an election was called 2 years early, but at this stage, it's water under the bridge, so ads moaning about that decision are stupid, pointless and petty. I'm also fed up of the election ads in general, and they only run for about a month. I'm thankful that I don't live in the US, where the election cycle seems almost unending. My apologies to my American friends!  I'm pleased with the voting options too. Early voting was this past weekend. I opted to vote by mail. I sent in the request the first day they were accepting applications, and mailed it in last week. It's a fast process, and the verification is straightforward. I was even more pleased with that option since my polling booth was relocated, so it would have been a bit challenging for me to get to the booth in my current, hard-to-move state.

The downside of mail-in voting is that we are unlikely to know the results on Monday night. We do know, so far, that more people voted by early polls than in 2019, and that more requests for mail-in ballots were received this time. The pandemic has had an effect on our voting process, and will have many more ongoing effects, I think. I'm relieved for the options available as it reduces my stress ever. Plus, because I've already voted, I can tell the campaign volunteers to save their calls / time, since I can't change my (private!) vote. Amusingly, one party never seems to campaign in my riding.  Maybe they know it's a lost cause; my area has a definite view point that makes it seem that they don't have much chance. Although, if the volunteer, who claims to like dogs, were to acknowledge dogs when trying to drum up votes, they might stand a slim chance! It’s hard to trust someone who claims to like dogs but pulls back from them!  (And when even calm dogs growl when they approach.)

The debates are done-the French were lively and interesting while the English showed up a few weak areas. I wasn't too happy with the translator, and preferred to listen in French. I'm looking forward to the outcome, and I am hoping for a minority government. But we'll see.

Good night. I promise to be more careful with my excursions in the future, as I have no desire to return to the hospital except for appointments! Jerry is guarding my feet and plotting to jump into my lap once I put down the Apple Pencil. He will get his cuddles, never fear!


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