ex fide fortis

Working on restoring my energy. I had a short walk this afternoon, and realized that I get tired fast and that aggravates my back. Most irritating, but at least I'm still able to walk, even though it's not as far or as fast as I'd like. Let's stay focussed on the positive. I know that I'm allowed off days, but I'll try to "accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative..!  Staying focused on the positive, I was actually hungry this evening. I haven't felt hungry in over a week, so that was good!  

It was a lovely day today; mild and mostly sunny. It was, though, surprisingly humid. I had a few moments of gasping for air. I'm glad that I got the oxygen concentrator; it does make it easier.

I was asked if I ever argue with God during my prayers. I said that of course I do. There are times when I feel like I'm being asked to carry too much, and on those days I find it helps to express my frustration in my prayers. I thank God for my very many blessings-and I recognize that I have a lot, even if I don't think that I'm progressing enough. I ask for other things, some of which I receive, and others I don't, but when I get fed up, I also convey that. I know that God knows what I'm thinking and how I'm feeling, but I think that being fully honest is important in any dialogue, including prayer.

Yes, I do consider prayer as a dialogue, and therefore as a 2- way.. conversation. How do I know if God responds? Because I obviously don't hear voices from heaven telling me what to do- star's more a Ned thing than mine. Well, at the risk of seeming New Agey, whet happens is-let's say I'm seeking guidance on a treatment. I will offer it in prayer, and contemplate the treatment. And I'll ask for guidance with making the decision. Then I leave it for a while. when I return to the question later, I often feel a strong sense of peace when I'm contemplating the option. Or, in a more complicated situation. I'll often find references to the option I chose. I know that it sounds like hocus-pocus, and I'm nor completely lucid in my explanation.. Bur the experience, to me is often crystal clear. I have a strong sense of the choice to make. I attribute it to God showing me the choice to make. for others, it's psychological or the universe directing things or logic dictating choices. Any way it's described, it's appropriate.

When I'm angry with God, I will say that. When I've vented my anger I feel comforted, Very often, once I've released my anger. I receive a call from a friend who I haven't seen for a while. They will sometimes share an experience that is similar to what I went through, and it seems like I'm being reminded that I am not alone in my struggles. No, my belief in God is not shaken, and I rely on my faith in coping with life.. It's vital to me as I go through the ups and downs of daily living.

I'm thankful for the support I get from friends and sometimes from strangers. I've been encouraged by readers of this blog who I've never met, and I'm honestly moved by them reaching out to me. I appreciate even more my friends who message to say that they're happy that I'm writing, It motivates me on days when I want to give up. So THANK YOU to all of you for your support and encouragement. I think that God is letting me know that I'm cared for, even in the moments I feel alone.



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