familia supra omnia


Happy Sunday. It was another beautifully sunny and comfortable day. I was, unfortunately, not up to going out, but I spent time soaking up the view from my window. I'd really like to have both the strength and energy to do things. I mean, it's been 4 months since the surgery, and while the incision is beautifully healed, I'm still experiencing pain in my back. Yes, it's reduced from where it was (I was averaging pain at a level of 10 / 10; it's now about a 3 or 4) but my ability to do things is still low! I can try, for instance, unloading the dishwasher, and I'll need to sit. Changing the sheets-I need to take a rest. And so on. Cooking- cutting up vegetables or meat is done sitting down, and I can't do more than one dish at a time. Luckily I can set my rice in a steamer and ignore it; I try to bake in preference to other methods because I can leave it. But it is so frustrating!

Jerry sat guard on me as usual today. My lay minister came, and Jerry let everyone know that he objected to being locked in a room with Don while I sat in my chair to receive Holy communion. When he was released (15 minutes with Don) he ran out, jumped on my lap, and sat, fully erect, growling a challenge to the air. Right now, he's curled up on the sofa with Don, with his eyes fixed sternly on me. Spoiled boy!

Today was another day of family video calls. I spoke with my father, aunt, sister and niece for almost an hour. It was great. My niece and I have a couple of challenges that we've set each other this week, today being day#1. So we checked in on each other's work, agreed that we'd made a good start, and discussed the next one. I said that I've failed in my role as godmother because I hadn't taught her several prayers that the Confirmation teachers think are important. My niece graciously conceded that there's still time to make up for that. so I sent them to her- and confessed that I didn't know 2 of them myself! Clearly, I'll have to address that shortcoming! My aunt was happy to see me-although we talk daily, it's on landlines, so no video. Daddy looked very pleased to see me-we spoke for all of 3 minutes! And my sister and I were able to do some catch- up-she works nights, and is gone when I call my father. He has a schedule, and sticks closely to it. Otherwise I'd change my time.) After that, I had another almost-hour-long chat with the Bolton group, where my "baby" niece smiled at me and blew kisses, but didn't talk, and my nephew was more intent on climbing than talking to aunts! I call that a good use of a Sunday late afternoon!

We had a short discussion on binging shows. We agree that there are some shows that are great for background sounds, but we don't agree on which shows those are! They like reality shows like Desperate Housewives, and I prefer count shows, like Judge Judy. (we all enjoy that. actually, but not necessarily for background.) we all like cooking shows, but they prefer competitions, while I like demonstrations. If it becomes necessary, we'll choose background based on what the kids want to watch!

A good, relaxed Sunday. Just wonderful! Here's hoping that you all have a good week ahead!


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