multum in parvo

My nurse arrived early today, and put me in bed jail; sort of. She said that I need to rest, and I can't do anything, and I have to take a nap this afternoon. <sigh> That was because I am in a lot of pain today, and she's not happy with my available meds. I had to call the doctors, leave a message, and say that I needed a new prescription. <sigh> again.. I'll follow her instructions and rest, so that might be good. Another early night is in order. I hope that things improve tomorrow. As for the meds-I currently . have a choice between heavy-duty painkiller narcotics, and Tylenol regular, and she thinks that an anti-inflammatory might be a better choice. I don't know. I'm not crazy about more meds, but relief is desirable!

Unfortunately, because of my pain, Jerry was banished from my lap today. I expect to be served with a lawsuit for cruel treatment of a Schnoodle any day now! He was locked in the other room during the nurse's visit, and voiced his displeasure, then wasn't allowed on my lap_so I expect he will have much to say at bedtime! I'll have to appeal to his cousin-puppies for help. I hope that they support me, or I'll have massive fines of Angus burgers, tummy rubs and extensive pampering!

I got a letter that I was expecting, but it still was upsetting. My GP sent the notice of his retirement, effective Dec 31, 2021. It's sad for me, because I like him a lot. He's a good listener, and a decent diagnostician. He never wasted my time with needless tests or over-prescribed meds. Because I moved to his care after my cancer diagnosis, he was always careful not to impinge on my oncologist, so he would read the medical reports from the hospital before I met with him, and he'd call me to discuss and explain results.  He never assumed that I was dumb, and would translate medical jargon into plain language for me. He also never made me feel silly for asking questions and was a font of information.  He's been a valuable part of my medical team, and I’ll really miss having him around. I'm sorry that he's retiring, but I understand his choice. He explained that he's looking forward to more time with his family-in Australia! - and I'm happy for him. Complicated feeling! Now begins the hard task of finding a new GP. Those are (still) very difficult to find. Wish us luck in finding one!  This was really the only doctor that Don would agree to see, so that should tell you everything you need to know about him!!

OK, it's bedtime now. Jerry has been butting and patting me for me to get up, so I'd better go to bed! Good night everyone!


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