mensa sine cibis

I was able to eat some grapes (not at all sour LOL) and I made a small bowl of fried rice, so that was good; and half of a sausage. It's annoying how quickly I get full! Most of the day I was a dog bed, and I was not allowed to leave my chair! Very bossy supervisor I have there! He tells on me, too.- I'll have to try other ways to escape the dictator's tiny furry paw! He's so bossy!  I'm sitting in my chair, with a small, black dog on my feet. He's been exceptionally snuggly since I got back from my doctor's appointment yesterday. He won't give me much space and as soon as I sit, he jumps on my lap. I had to hide in the bedroom to be able to call my dad today because when I was on the phone earlier with my aunt, he was trying to knock the phone out of my hand. He was letting me know that I should pay him more attention. He's a tiny attention glutton who thinks that he's the boss of the house! And he might have a point there...

So I'm sure that you've seen the ads for meal kits. There are several of them and apart from seeing a few dozen ads per half hour on TV, they pop up on YouTube and I get flyers in the mail, plus I see that some of my neighbours have been receiving boxes from a couple of companies.. Personally, I don't quite understand the appeal of them. The ads, which I dislike, show carefully arranged meals being displayed by some smug dorks. I took a look at the offerings of a couple of the companies, and they are all meals that a new cook could do easily. They advertise that you save a lot of money compared to grocery shopping.

But I did a little price comparison of a box for 2 people, and 3 meals. That averaged $60-/week. I chose 3 chicken meals. So for that price, I got 1 pack of chicken breast ($9 at the supermarket) 2 onions, 2 doves of garlic ($3 for 1kg of onions and 6 heads of garlic) about a pack of pasta ($2), a bag of frozen vegetables ($3) and about a tablespoon of spices and herbs ($ 3) . That's $20, compared to $ 60; That's triple my grocery bill! for the privilege of skipping time at the grocery... My time is valuable, but I'm not persuaded that this is a reasonable cost. My grocery bill might even be lower if I bought either in season fruits and vegetables, or items that were on special that week. Yes, I'm a thrifty (some might say "cheap") shopper, and I try to keep my food bill under control. I am not a fan of using delivered groceries where someone selects my fruits, vegetables and meats-I've found that they don't do a good job on those items-I'll get bruised tomatoes or overripe berries or rusted lettuce. I do enjoy browsing the grocery, and selecting my own items. I've had to make use of that service when I was ill and unable to shop myself, but it was difficult for me.

I like that the recipes are simple, and that people are encouraged to cook, but I'm flabbergasted by the price. Honestly, people could spend a few minutes doing meal planning and shopping for the week, and accomplish dinners for a third of the price. I really don't get why grocery shopping is such a bogeyman! OK, I suppose that time might be somewhat crunched if you're juggling 2 parents and 2-3 children with busy schedules. I remember when we were growing up there were . many nights when the question, "what would you like for dinner? was answered with "I dunno! or "I don't like that." I know that it becomes frustrating. But still... I'm stuck on the pricing; and the concept of paying that much and still having to cook. For that price differential, it's possible to get several grocery deli meals, which are already prepared! Or you could get a few frozen meals-family sized pot pies, or frozen entrees. There are several choices, all of which are less expensive! For me, these meal kits don't make sense, but I'm happy to hear what you think if you use them!


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