ad lucem
I think that it's past time to end daylight savings time. It really serves no useful purpose any longer. I mean, a hundred years ago, it might have had a raison d‘erred, but now..-not at all. Taking advantage of extra daylight hours is less of an incentive than it was, now that we effectively run in a 24/7 environment. The accidents that occur with the time change are practically a reason in themselves. As for the reason of keeping trains running on time-we manage that by computer. My thinking is that we should pick a time that we keep for the year-and save lots from not having to change the time twice a year. I know that some countries are stopping it soon-it would be fantastic if it ended completely. What do you think? It's a really minor, first world issue, but everything can't be a major calamity.
Another issue that I think needs attention is this: If we're having a celebration, there must be cake! (Ice cream is optional.) So if we are marking a birthday (cake and ice cream are mandatory!!) or celebrating recovery from radiation, or even marking the start of the week cake is required. I think that should be enshrined in the law so everyone is fully aware. Any objections?
Clearly I'm loopy. I probably need sleep-and cake! Good night!
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