lucem sequimur

My oxygen machine was collected today and returned to the company. It's encouraging, as my breathing is good again-the humidity is done, so it's easier for me. However, as with every other mental issue, I'm reminding myself that I do not need it. Isn't it odd how your brain can play tricks on you? I'd prefer if my brain got me to be tall, slim, and fully healthy! How do I persuade it to regrow the organs I removed? But as long as I wake up and don't need a lot of treatment, I'm good.  Jerry has been making nests on my lap all day and he makes himself very comfortable- He's having fun with his newest toy, and is carrying it in his mouth, looking for someone to throw it around. Last night, he packed himself into my knees and wouldn't move. He was comfortable, but I was less so. I can't move if he's napping because I won't disturb him. I know that I'm being silly but it's fine. He's happy, so we're happy.

I got a call this evening from one of my aunts who I haven't heard from for a while. I'm always happy to hear from her as she's so full of wisdom. I have to say that our elders are really an awesome source of knowledge, so I appreciate spending time with them. While we were chatting, a third person joined the call. He sounded like an older man, but neither of us recognized him on his number, so we wondered how he joined us. But the interesting part was that he jumped into a discussion on vaccines. In his view, all he needs is prayer-God will protect him-and invermectin. He also said that the shot was intended to steal souls. I didn't say a word; my aunt was kinder and wished the intruder a happy and safe Christmas -many times- before he disconnected! I did make me wonder about the thinking of someone who feels comfortable talking like that to strangers: He was quite excited about the interference of governments and their attempts to steal souls. I do wonder about the things that people believe. It scares me when they share ideas that are harmful. I find the "do your own research" and "wake up sheeple" ones to be utterly terrifying, because they reject any information that doesn't conform to their ideas. Far too many use pseudo science and warped logic to support their points. They will dismiss scientific research and instead look for easy answers. I'm trying not to judge, or to be too harsh, I'd like to understand the mindset. Any guidance would be appreciated!

I'm really happy to have had a chat with my aunt. She's one of my inspirations. as she deals with some difficult situations with grace and a loving approach. It's wonderful to know people who don't wallow in self-pity, even (or perhaps especially) when they have every right to do that. She, and my other aunts, are always so anchored in their faith without forcing their beliefs on others. Because of them I understand the meaning of "by their fruit you shall know them." They are my examples of Christians-not the people who endlessly quote scriptural verses and pressure you to conform, while they demonstrate more vices than virtues and are harsh judges of others. I prefer the living examples of those who live the Gospel message. I have a lot of work to do to live up to their examples. I'll keep trying!


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