Perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim

Today's Jerry Chronicles cover his total domination of my lap. I had my weekly visit from my lay minister this morning, and that's the only time that I didn't have my lap occupied by Jerry-and right now, as he's moved over to interrupt Don's watching of sports. He makes himself very comfortable, sprawling across laps, and snoring! His ears go up if he hears bread being sliced, and he'll stand guard at the fridge, just to remind me that he's there. When I don't feel well, he comes into the bathroom with me, and runs off to get Don if I start to vomit. Such a good little nurse! I know that I talk about him a lot, but he's such a loveable companion! His 6th birthday is tomorrow-I'm amazed at how much time has flown since Dan brought home the spunky, fist- sized puppy in the middle of an ice storm!

That's all for now. I'm tired still, and I'm annoyed with myself for it. It's not my fault, I know. I need rest, and my body is still recovering from the abuse it took this year. I wish that I had Wolverine's healing ability, so that I could recover quickly! The reality, though, is that I'm healing and getting back to normal, but at a pace that I find too slow. I know that my medical team is satisfied with my progress, so that's comforting. The thing that frustrates me the most is the pain that blossoms after I try doing anything - for instance, filling the kettle to make a cup of tea, the pain appears and I need a rest. Did I mention that it's frustrating? I'll keep on pacing myself and being kind, even when I want to yell at my pain. I also realized that I don't look how I feel- apparently, I look refreshed and relaxed when I'm in pain! I'd have to be in extreme agony before it shows on my face. It's probably a good thing, so people don't think that I'm sicker than I am! But tonight, at least, it's time for bed.  Jerry just arrived to signal that he's ready to go in. -the boss calls! Good night.


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