age quod agis

My nurse was here today and noted that my BP persists in being low. He's a bit concerned about that, and my continued  low blood sugar readings. He got on the phone to my doctor and pharmacy to get my meds sorted out. (We giggled a bit at the reaction to him saying, "I'm the home care nurse for Ms. Crosby,". There was a marked increase in the response quality!) Hopefully my meds will arrive tomorrow. There was apparently a missing form that my doctor had to complete and didn't submit, and I think that the nurse's call helped speed up the resolution. As you can guess, Jerry wasn't happy with the longer visit and the phone calls, and hopped onto my lap as soon as he was let out of the bedroom. He hugged me and snuggled up very protectively. He's trying to mooch, as usual, unsuccessfully. Last night he decided to sleep on my tummy- not comfortable for me, but he was happy, and apparently that's the important part!

I'm going to be a bit of a bore on the subject of cancer research. I was talking to someone who sneered, "I don't believe it. Those treatments will never happen. If they do work, why aren't you getting it?" I took a deep breath, realized that they were having a bad day and I pointed out that I've benefitted from advancements in treatment. I certainly hope that there are more innovations that will help me, but I'm still amazed at the work in progress. It's always unfortunate when a cure comes after a loved one passes but we should now become bitter and angry. It only hurts you, and diminishes their memory That is a cruel thing to do to your loved one, isn't it?

I've got some paperwork to finish for the panel, and then I'll wrap up my participation. I've never loved paperwork-what a thing for a lifer public servant and latterly policy work! I've been asked-recently-if I miss being at work. Yes, sometimes. I particularly miss the interpersonal interactions. and time with my colleagues. I freely admit that not only don't I miss the office politics, I don't even think about those who were the causes of drama! From time to time, I get notes from my friends and occasionally we meet for a coffee. I hope that the pandemic restrictions will continue to lift so we can meet more often!

Meanwhile, I'm heading to bed -the tiredness is galloping up on me and I'd like to sleep in bed, and not in my chair! Good night. ❤❤


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