spes bona

I had a rather poor night last night. For some reason, I had a dreadful attack of diarrhoea which kept me up late. Then I slept for an hour, waking to find that my blood sugar was abysmal. When I finally went to bed then, it took a long while to fall asleep and I kept on waking. This afternoon-just after lunch-I bent over to pick up something I'd dropped and there was a horrific flare of pain along my left side. I've been resting quietly, cuddling a small, black dog, hoping for my meds to take effect. The pain is a bit less, but still present, so I'll keep resting. The tiny overlord agrees, and is curled on my feet planning some evil deeds... Much to my annoyance, since my radiation, my hair has been falling out. I am NOT happy with that! At least my hair is short enough that I can wear my wig if needed. It's unfortunate to have all of these less-than-positive bits of news today. after I'd had such fun yesterday.

I rather like it when stores aren't in full-blown Christmas overdrive in mid- November. I expect that from next week the songs will be on a repetitive loop in store and the ads will be ruining the holiday with OTT commercialism. Full confession-I'll begin to binge-watch Muppet Christmas movies from next week, followed by Boris Karloff's deep-voiced rendition of "How the Grinch stole Christmas," and other such delights. Unfortunately I have difficulty watching Rudolph because of the really horrible behaviour of the other reindeer-it was flat out bullying, supported by the adults! I still enjoy many of the other "classic cartoons" and I'll unabashedly watch them myself.

"My curtain is falling," as my friend says; meaning that my eyes aren't staying open. So I'll leave you for tonight and try to catch up on my sleep. Good night!


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