gaudeamus hodie

Yesterday, and the day before, and today, I've been dealing with lots of pain. It hasn't been quite that bad in a while, but from the location it's most likely to be tumour-death pain. I'm still monitored by radiation oncology, so they'll get a call. tomorrow. My appetite is still not present but I'm eating small amounts, I'd like to be able to eat a Patraj or Ali or Hosein's roti:  curry chicken, alloo, pumpkin, bhaji and paratha. Even at my best, I could never manage to eat a whole one, but I am craving that now! Talk about your eyes being larger than your stomach- mine are in fantasy land!

Jerry has been surgically attached to me, and climbs (or jumps) on me whenever he has a chance. I can't evict him, so I'm adjusting to bring a dog bed! He's on Don now, so I have a few minutes to scribble!

My aunt always commented that if I wasn't reading, I was seriously ill and it would be a reason to worry. I realized this weekend that that's still true. Even with the dreadful pain I experienced, I was reading my way through 3 books, one of which is new and a first-time read. The others are re-reads. Those are great and comforting, and I like getting lost in a familiar story. The one I'm reading now I haven't read in over a decade, so it's like a brand new book. I 've forgotten so many details; there are surprises. My reactions are a bit stronger than in my earlier read - I'm fairly sure- because I remember being more sympathetic to the protagonist, but now I want to give him a good shake! In contrast, the new book is very absorbing and I'm torn between reading slowly and enjoying every moment, or more quickly to learn who is the villain. I've had this dilemma for years, and I'm no closer to a solution.

I'm tired still, and inclined to fall asleep without warning, so I think that my book and I will head off to bed- with the small, black dog, naturally! Good night.


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