vita summa brevis spem nos vetat incohare longam

I had a small attack of vomiting today, which lasted quite a while, and I was a bit shaky for the day. You know that my furry nurse was on high alert! He kept me company until my personal service worker arrived to help me, then he complained bitterly for a while. I'm resting and trying to eat a bit in hopes that my sugar levels will be better tomorrow..

Dear Mad Men (yes, it's a dated reference, but a really good show!) you do realize, don't you, that you don't have Don Draper working for you, right? How about you step back and take a moment? Because you're repetitive, noisy and any new approach someone develops, suddenly becomes the rubber stamp for all other ads in that category? Or in every category? For instance, the gimmick where 10 people each repeat the same line or parts thereof? You know, where a group of 8 people who all read "I am going to read a line." "I," "I am," "I" and so on. Most boring and very annoying type of ad!

It's not particularly interesting... and all the drug ads showing elderly people outdoors, sports ing. and generally having the kind of lifestyle that they apparently enjoy with drugs are not especially credible. Plus we have the ads that reuse the same music to sell beer, sanitary pads and cars. And the tampon ads that seem to assume that women are remarkably stupid! Ugh! It's really annoying, so it's a good thing that I know how to either change the channel or press the "skip ad" button. Ok, so you know that I'm basically fine, and my other grumbles are just minor whines.

I finished my paperwork and sent it in today. I'll be keeping an eye on announcements to see who gets funded. As I mentioned, of the 200 applications being evaluated, about 40 will get funding; if more money is made available, others may be added. I find it sad that money is too often the limiting factor for success. I mean, if it wasn't, it's possible that there could be more progress for scientific development. My loopy, bleeding heart self would prefer that funds were prioritized for education, health, science and human welfare (ensuring adequate food/water/shelter/sanitation for people.) That, incidentally, would include space exploration -at a minimum, the developments in materials, recycling and food storage & growth would probably pay for themselves. I am one of those who believe in learning for the sake of knowledge. So I don't necessarily believe that every development must be immediately commercially viable. Learning new, clean, cheap energy sources should be possible; and we should treat diseases without driving people into bankruptcy. I know that I'll get people who think I'm a dreamer and hugely impractical, and I am! But I'd really love a world where illness, poverty, war and destruction were the honour stories that we told our children, and they treated them as they do tales of ogres! I'm off to dwell in my fantasy world and try to eat a bit. Good night❤


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