luce veritatis

Happy Hanukkah to all those who are celebrating. I hope that you're able to enjoy time with family and friends, even if through video calling.

The IV made a difference Imo. I was able to eat a bit more, and I actually felt hungry. That's good! We have some minor issues, but I hope they will be quickly sorted. Jerry was on my lap for 2 hours today while I watched a movie. He had his legs stretched out and would pat my tummy from time to time... He rolled over at one point and slipped off my lap. He looked very disapproving as he climbed back up. Silly puppy! Don is continuing to improve slowly, which is good. He still won't see a doctor, but is hyper-vigilant about my appointments! He's trying to watch the CFL games, but Jerry keeps carrying his toy for them to play. Any guesses who will win?

My dad was waiting for me to call because he was upset. One of his close friends died suddenly on Friday. He didn't have any details last night, except that Mr. Ali had already been buried in accordance with Islamic rites. Tonight he'd learnt that the death was COVID-related, which upset him further. I have no words. It's always difficult to know what to say when someone dies suddenly. It's also very hard when the person is younger than you. Mr. Ali was a bit younger than my dad. He was a kind, open-hearted, loving and cheerful man who was always ready with a smile. He worked as a mechanic, among other careers, and I enjoyed his company. He will be missed.

I gathered enough energy to do a bit of cooking today. Yes, 2 days in a row! I now have meals for the week, DG. I was super-frustrated with myself, though. It was a one-pot rice dish with chicken, pigeon peas, and pumpkin. The chicken had been previously cut into small pieces, as had the pumpkin. I took a shortcut and used a can of peas. All this to emphasize that I really didn't have much exertion. But the time I spent standing-to brown the chicken, then add the ingredients, season, stir and cover- sucked all my energy! Once everything was in the pot - about 6 minutes - I needed a rest. I was very thankful that my grandmother and aunt had showed me their techniques for cooking without spending all day in the kitchen! I'd set the timer, and my meal was fully cooked when it went off. It's frustrating that I have to pause so frequently.  I'm more imitated because I remember being able to prepare a traditional Sunday lunch-all 10 dishes-plus dessert without breaking a sweat!  Now, I can't even do a simple one-pot dish without needing a nap. My body really has betrayed me. Although I should be thankful that I can still cook. There was a period just after my spinal surgery when I couldn't turn my head. So I'll quit grousing. and just enjoy my meal!

Since I need more rest, I'll dive into my books again. It's great to have book-friends to recover with, isn't it? I'll add a re-read into the mix, because it's comforting. Take care, stay warm, and let your light shine strong!


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