fac et spera

Flu shot done! So that's taken care of for the year. I am very pleased that flu (and COVID) shots are freely and widely available, so getting them is not problematic! We both got our shots today so we're covered. Don had a fall after he got his shot, while I was inside getting mine, and hurt his shoulder. He's in pain, but refused (of course!) the paramedics. He's resting, and he has the "nurse" on his lap. Jerry definitely knows who needs his comforting presence and when. While Don was on his computer, Jerry was in position on my lap but since then I've been neglected.

I was out twice in 4 days. Isn't that great? Christmas shopping (a bit) on Friday-great fun!-and today to the supermarket-less fun, but still good, less Don's incident. I'm almost normal! I ate a samosa today, after a boiled egg for breakfast. I was actually hungry this evening, can you imagine? I'm a little annoyed with my pharmacy, as they were supposed to deliver this prescription almost 2 weeks ago, and my nurse followed up on it last week, and it's still not here.  They've never been behind like this before. Anyway, it should be here tomorrow.

I've been watching some videos of cooking online.Some are "hacks" for decorating cakes, a few of which look interesting. I file them in the back of my mind for when I get enough energy to bake again. I'm pacing myself for all the things that I'd like to do, so I can accomplish a few of them. I also, under the guidance of my niece, looked up some "how to" videos for ideas on food presentation. I miss having her nearby to try these things; we have fun cooking together. I'm eager to know when her confirmation date will be, as I hope and plan to be there. We've got ideas of things we'd like to share, including shows to stream. I sent her some ideas, but they aren't available in her area. She sent me an Asian (not sure if it's Chinese or Japanese) sci-fi soap opera which looks interesting. We'll see... and, of course, our Christmas movie watching marathon ! It will be fun to do. I got photos from the family photo shoot that they did last month. My niece is stunning in all of her photos. It's nice to see the whole family in the photos- well, missing the 2 of us in Canada- everyone looks good.

I hope to be able to go home in the winter. It's been over 2 years, and I am usually there every year. I've missed so much in some ways, while life sits in limbo. As thankful as I am for video communication, I need my live hugs! So yes, I want to travel, but I don't want to do Covid tests, or to be in quarantine. I want to go to the beach; to be with my family and friends... so many wants! I'll stop torturing myself. I'll be able to go- hopefully soon-and it will be fun. My dreams lately are full of travel-no awards for interpreting those! That's it for now, though. Good night!


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