

My life is a dog bed. He's attached to my lap so I have no freedom! The dog just jumps on my lap, assumes a position, and that covers my plans! My appetite is still pathetic, but I'm grazing a bit, so that's an improvement. My friends, God bless them, asked me if there's a meal that I'm craving, but unfortunately not.

The nurse was here today, and I was showing a slight temperature and very low blood pressure_No idea why. Annoyingly, the sensor for blood oxygen level refuses to work on me-it works even on the nurse's gloved finger, but won't read mine; that's been going on for almost a month now. Strange!

I'd like to thank all of the people who reach out and check on me. I appreciate it. You're such wonderful supports and your messages and calls are both comforting and inspirational. It's great to know that I'm not forgotten.

Good night all. My energy is up and down, and I'm heading to sleep soon.`


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