It’s begun

As you can see, I’m installed in the hospital with my IV in place and my chemo drug (ifosfamide, if anyone wants to look it up and scare themselves with the side effects.  If you do, I DON’T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT IT.  Thanks for your consideration.) We decided against inserting a PICC line, as I’m in hospital and being monitored by nurses and doctors, so we opted for an IV, to reassess the need for future treatments.  Everything went well, and the first dose is done.  I’m just waiting for the late dose of my MESNA, which is given to help protect my bladder from the chemo drug.  There’s also a sign on my door warning that I’m cytotoxic, and that I have some precautions to take to protect those around me.  They’re more onerous than wearing a mask, but I follow them because I’m not a selfish jerk who only thinks about herself… Nothing further… I spoke with Don a couple of times today, courtesy of WhatsApp, so we could talk. I’m happy for the technology that allows real time visual communications when we’re physically separated from each other.  Jerry is sulking and missing me, and I’ll have to avoid him for 7-10 days which is a long time to a tiny dog who’s used to cuddling me daily.

I was able to talk to my family this afternoon, while hooked up to the drip.  It’s lovely being able to do that.  I introduced them to my nurse, and then skipped off to have needles jabbed into me offscreen.  I, sadly, don’t have a window, but I do have a noisy, unpleasant neighbour, who appears to be hard of hearing as she speaks loudly and barks at the nursing staff to “speak up!”  Her English and French are both poor, so she’s had her sister, brother and son acting as translators for her.  They are also very loud spoken, and I can hear both sides of their phone conversations even when I’m lost in my books. It’s difficult to sleep with her noise.  I’m thinking that she and the kitchen will be my penance this week, so I can cleanse myself of some past sins.  The food is again not great, although lunch was a tasty spinach and chicken salad, topped with cranberries.  It was advertised as “mandarin chicken salad” and I think that the mandarin part was just inspirational.  Dinner was cheese and crackers.  And a hot cup of tea that my sister-friend brought me.  Tea makes it up from the kitchen at room temperature at best.  I may make it a goal to walk down to the coffee place and back — that’s a stretch for me  

I’m drifting off to sleep, so I’ll say good night.  My late dose will be here soon, and I hope that I can get some sleep tonight, instead of being woken up by my nightmare neighbour. OK, I need a more enjoyable end thought. I brought a bag full of snacks to supplement my meals.  The nurse told me that people bring their “chemo coolers” which are stuffed with food and beverages, sometimes including adult ones!  My “adult beverages” are severely limited due to the opiates that I take, but I liked the idea of having a supply of nibbles and sips 🤣 (Thanks for the idea, Rainbow King) on that note, I’ll leave you for tonight.  Dream well!


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