Sunny days

Look!  A tiny dog outside enjoying a walk and sunshine!  Yes, he’s skinny without his winter coat, but he’s well-fed, spoilt, and very high energy.  He had a lovely time, marking territory, barking at people and kicking dirt all over.  We walked around the block, in the absolutely beautiful sunshine. I didn’t even need a sweater!  (I wore one anyway)  Annoyingly, I reached my limit of walking after 1 block and had to return home to assume the relaxed position because my body let me know in no uncertain terms that I needed rest and it was going to keep me chained to my seat.  I have a lovely, thick book to keep me company, so it’s not as bad as it could have been.  It’s odd that I ran out of energy that quickly, as I’ve walked much further going through places like Costco and the shopping mall.  Perhaps the difference is that today I went out without my walking aid (cane) and in those places I sit a few times to boost my energy?  I don’t know; I intend to try again soon, as the weather promises to be spring-picture-perfect-gorgeous for the next week!  There were tulips finally starting to poke up through the ground on my walk, too… so I expect that the lilacs are about 10 days to 2 weeks out.

Quick update.  I finally managed to contact Amazon customer service and had a chat with their representative.  Skipping over ancillary details, they refunded me the cost of my missing printer ink and promised to “pass along the feedback on the delivery service, with sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused.  It will not happen again.” (I have doubts, but they will be constrained for now.). 

I’ve got a painting in my living room of a small wooden cottage at the edge of a tiny bluff at the beach.  I’d fallen in love with it on sight years ago because it just looked so pretty.  I can’t decide if it’s supposed to be moonlight, late evening or early morning.  The windows in the house are lit, so I’m fairly sure that it’s not midday.  The sun (or moon) hovers over the hills in the background, waves are breaking in the mid-ground, and wet sand gleams in the foreground.  The little house is surrounded by coconut palms and other tropical trees, and I can imagine sitting on the wrap-around gallery, watching the sea while I sip my tea.  Part of me thinks that I’d love to buy a small place on the water and just enjoy the scenery.  I don’t need to live downtown anymore, since I’m not working, so I could change locations and move out to the country, or to a lake or river.  However, I have less than no desire to pack things, and I definitely don’t have the strength to do it.  I’d have to hire movers to pack, move, store, return, unpack… not really worth it.  Instead, I think that I’ll see if I can rent a cottage for the Fall and enjoy that?  Or I’ll go visit friends in Europe or family in the USA who live out of cities and just relax, enjoy their company and dogs, and regain some strength.  I’ll fantasize meanwhile of owning a beach cottage like the one in the painting on my wall.  Do you think there’s any hope of winning a lottery?

I’m off to bed now.  My back is sore and stiff after my outing today, and I need more rest than I thought.  Good night my dears.  Sleep well, dream sweetly and wrap yourself in joy.


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