Monday, Monday

I was debating between a flower picture and a picture of Jerry or a selfie of me in my “suite” at the hospital.  The iris won 😊. I’ll save the puppy picture for another day when I need cheering up.  I checked in around 6:30 this evening, as my doctor had said that I’d only be admitted and sleep tonight.  My timing was a tiny bit off as dinner had been served before I arrived and they were collecting plates.  I also arrived just before shift change, so I’m still waiting for my nurse, whose name is, apparently, Christine.  I’ll wait… Due to the thunderstorms on the weekend, the hospital seems to be running on generator power.  Between that, the late evening arrival and the holiday, it’s a little spooky in here.  No complaints, and I’m not even mentioning the “q” word, as my last stay had several shouters and other disturbers of the peace!  I have my earplugs and sleeping mask all ready to go!  Would you believe that I’m already sort of missing my boys?  Even the baseball on TV as background noise!  Nobody tell Don that, or I’ll be forced to pretend more interest in the game!  I can watch TV on my app on the tablet, but I’ve also got a few good books to keep my mind occupied.

I woke up this morning and ran through my packing lists in my mind before I started putting things together.  There are so many things that I could easily forget or overlook while packing.  I try using lists, but they don’t work well for me.  Mostly because I forget items that should be written down and I rely on my memory to fill in the gaps until I can get to a pen.  So many moments where I rely on my memory instead of the written lists.  Those get adjusted a few dozen times before I feel satisfied that I’ve captured everything that I need.  Plus I over plan things.  I think that I’ll do far more than is realistic and often over pack; or else I decide that’s too risky and I leave things out that I need desperately within 5 minutes of arrival.  I debated, for instance, on whether or not to include a towel and nightie, decided no towel, yes nightie, and the nurse handed me a hospital gown as soon as I walked in the room, so… nightie stays packed 😂. I did bring a compact extension cord which will allow me to charge 3 items, plus 3 USB-A and 1 USB-C items, so my phone and tablet are safe.  As are my blood pressure monitor and probably at least one IV device.  I would have liked a window, as that helps me recover quickly, but no fretting.  I’ll probably have a lot going on so I won’t have time for gazing out of the window at night.  I did manage to pack a bag of snacks 🤫 and it’s carefully concealed from prying eyes… 🙄. Auntie Ming said that I should eat before I got to the hospital, and that turned out to be a good idea, as I missed the dinner round.  (I’m not going to pretend sadness, as I have night terrors from last year’s food!). I’m debating having a cookie or some Cheetos or something similar… 

OK, I’m going to wrap this up, listen to some music while I wait for the nurse and then maybe I’ll go to sleep early?  Tomorrow promises to be busy.  I’ll be brazen and just assume that everyone is sending me lots of love, encouragement and prayers so thanks very much.  I’m in room 5112-1 if anyone wants to send notes — I have a sinking suspicion that the handy program that allowed people to send greetings has been stopped, as I’m having a lot of difficulty finding the link.  But my email / facebook / messenger / WhatsApp / iMessage / text / cell phone are all working and I’d love to get messages or the occasional photo, etc so I know that I’m not forgotten.  Good night!


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