
This morning, I felt a little wriggling against my knees, and when I looked, Jerry had tucked himself into the blanket and was ready for a power nap.  ðŸ˜† I instantly grabbed my phone and took a quick picture before he realized that I had the phone.  He’s amazingly camera shy and camera aware… he won’t let me take photos easily.  I think that I might need to apologize for spending so much time on the tiny dog.  A friend mentioned to me that I talk more about Jerry than Don, so it seems like Don doesn’t matter to me.  There are very few Don photos online because he’s asked that I don’t feature him on my social media and I try to respect that.  He’s even worse than Jerry for disliking photos… if he sees a camera pointed in his direction, his own comes up to block his face or he wears a shady hat or something like that.  I can sometimes sneak one of him eating, but that’s quite rare.  Anyway, I don’t want people thinking that he’s not important to me, because I couldn’t have made it this far without his support.  (His response to that was, “Oh, that was my mistake!”  Smartass. 🥰)  While Jerry is camera shy, he’s also persistent in ensuring that I pay attention to him and takes up a remarkable amount of space for a dog that weighs less than 5kg!  Really, he weighs less than a sack of potatoes, but his personality is larger than he is, and he’s super loving. (And, honestly, a bit of a pest.  But I wouldn’t change him for anything.)

I have a headache today.  I haven’t had one in years, and I’d forgotten what it felt like!  Isn’t that a great feeling?  I mean, I used to have migraines frequently and badly, for up to 15 days a month!  But when I had my first surgery (when my kidney was removed) 10 years ago this year, my headaches suddenly stopped!  I haven’t had one since… today I took an acetaminophen to try and get rid of it.  I hope that this is not a new trend, but maybe that I slept badly and it’s a result of that?  I may be grasping at straws, but I really hope it’s transitory and not anything else.

I was having a conversation today with one of my friends, and we talked about how much things have changed.  We remember that when we were kids, people rarely locked their front doors, and those who had cars, would often leave the keys inside.  People might borrow a car, and return it (often refilling the tank as a form of payment.) We would know the families who lived on our street, and often the whole village!  Kids played together, often congregating at one house and eating at a friend’s.  This was without cellphones or pagers. Now, we’ve got security systems, doorbell cameras, multiple locks, and so on.  I find it sad.  It’s sadder in Trinidad, where we’re locked behind some (beautifully done) wrought iron walls, creating cages around windows and doors.  I know why it’s done — the crime rate is dreadful, but I do miss being able to sit on the wall of our gallery or hang out of an open window.  I miss the Demerara windows in the old-fashioned houses, and the shutters… and so many other things that no longer exist while we become more insular.  I’ve lived in my condo for almost 20 years, and I know only one of my neighbours on my floor; I know a few others in the building (and one who moved across country with whom I remain in contact). It’s sad, but they’re often unwilling to chat or otherwise interact… except for dog owners.  I know the names of most of the dogs in the building, but very few of their humans.

That’s all for tonight.  I’m about to be attacked to move my iPad off my lap, so I’ll try to avoid the confrontation 😆. Good night!  Dream well my friends.


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