Parcel post
🎼 Oh, what a beautiful day! 🎶 I’ve got a beautiful feeling… well, not really. But I did mange to get a solid 12+ hours’ sleep, which is truly a beautiful feeling! I didn’t wake up until almost 11:30 this morning (there’s another song, about a “lovely 11 morning” which I could sing for you, if your musical appreciation is sufficiently poor that you don’t mind hearing me mangle even a fairly simple song.) That being said, though, my day was slow — for the first time my body is literally obeying my doctor’s instructions to get some rest, as I couldn’t have even rolled off the bed if my life depended on it before 11:15 today. Even at 11:30 I needed extra support to get up.
I had ordered some items today from Amazon, and the delivery person called to say that they were at my front door, could I please let them in? I said yes, waited a few minuted but he never came up. I went downstairs to find that he’d never tried to drop the parcel at my front door! It was left in the mailroom and I’m livid that he never tried to deliver to my door as I’d requested. I’m hunting for Amazon’s customer service info so I can talk to them, but that’s very well-concealed! You’d almost think that they didn’t want anyone getting help from them… sigh. It will take a while to find their number, and another to get things sorted out. They aren’t famous for doing much to solve issues that arise which is why they tend to opt for replacement items. It’s partly to keep things moving, and partly to push customers along. Anyway, my stuff has arrived safely, and I will gripe about it later. I’ll even go so far as to think that it’s not really an issue, so I won’t go completely ballistic. But there have been parcel thefts (including some of mine) and I would prefer not to have that happen again. Thankfully the thefts were not a big loss, but still… if it’s not yours, leave things alone!! How hard is that? How did your parents fail to communicate that basic fact to you? Or, more likely, how did you fail to learn that? So what if other people have more or nicer things than you? How does that diminish your life? It’s not yours, leave it alone. Growl.
OK, that’s all for tonight. I’m off to bed with my new book that just arrived. Don is threatening me with disposing of bookcases, as he thinks that having 4 that are too many. I have no idea what that means… how can you have too many bookcases, especially when they’re all full? There is no such thing, in my mind, as too many books. I’ll leave it at that. Good night 😘
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