
It continues to be hot and thankfully not particularly humid, at least while I’m indoors.  The sun feels like I’m being hit by tiny rubber bands when I’m outside.  Jerry hasn’t been taken to the park because neither Don nor I can manage with the heat and as I mentioned yesterday, he’ll develop heat stroke if he’s out too long.  So we’re trying to keep him (and us) cool and hydrated.  A few minutes on the balcony is great, as we can take in a bit of the “city view”and relax. So nice.

I feel wonderfully loved today.  My lovely friend and her hubby visited today and brought me some homemade paella.  It’s absolutely delicious,  My only regret is that I can’t have any alcohol, as this would be even better with a glass of white wine.  But that’s a very minor issue, and I thoroughly enjoyed my meal.  Thank you, Miriam and Mike!  It was wonderful to see you, and the paella is just a bonus.  

My niece is preparing for her confirmation at the beginning of June.  We were talking about it today, as I had intended to be there as her sponsor.  Unfortunately, I cannot, as things have evolved.  It’s upsetting me dreadfully, because I’d really love to be there for her; I had looked forward to this for absolute years!  She understands, but she said, “I wish that you had a transported so you could be here.”  So do I!  We’d gone through a lot of the preparation together, and explored many difficult topics together.  It would have been great if I’d been able to stand beside her during the ceremony.  I’m hoping that next year I can be there for her graduation from high school.  So many regrets have emerged as a result of this.  I can’t go with her to choose a dress, nor can I stand with her at this moment, nor can I be there with my family to share this celebration.  So unpleasant.  I’ve actually never been apart from my family for this long.  I usually go to visit them annually, if not twice a year.  Plus I’m missing my godchildren, and my aunts and other relatives.  And, except for my dad’s freak outs about my illness, I can mostly forget that I’m unwell.

That’s it for tonight.  I’m spreading the wealth of my diseases.  My aunt, sister and niece have been updated on my hospital stay, so that just leaves my dad.  I’ll update him later in the week, so it’s not just sprung on him with no warning.  I’ve definitely got to go now… Jerry keeps trying to push my iPad off my lap and he’s getting very persistent!  Good night!  


  1. It was truly great to se you and spend some time to together. Looking forward to Tuesday coffee!! Lots of love and hugs 🤗♥️


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