Plan changes

I found these lovely purple and white flowers that look very cheerful, so I thought I’d use them today instead of a picture of the Jerry dog, who is right now curled up behind Don’s leg pretending to sleep.  He is not actually sleeping, because if I stop typing and move my tablet even an inch, his head will pop up like a meerkat on the savannah and then I won’t be able to type anything for ages.  The boys were out today, in search of a take-out meal.  My substitute personal care worker came late, and Jerry took advantage of this by napping on my lap for over an hour until he arrived.  (By the time he arrived, I was about ready to start snapping at everyone because I was hungry and I expected him at 1, not almost 2:30!)  Anyway, all good. Don did one of his extra good deeds for the day and went out to get Chinese food from his favourite restaurant, which is at the other end of the city and in the direction of traffic, too.  No complaints from me, as I’m also a fan of this place, and we’ve got enough for several days of meals.  All wonderful!!  He’s got a bonus medal, because he really hates driving in traffic, plus he was in some pain in his arm.  These are all reasons for him getting patted on the back and treated like a prince for a day or so.

I am really, really tempted to share some stories about Don as he’s watching baseball at the moment.  It’s not like he’ll necessarily profit from the stories — that’s not the point of game day stories.— but they’re to remind us that he’s human, despite his achievements.  For instance, he was calling me to find the new tin of coffee, because he couldn’t find it.  He said that he’d already looked and it was nowhere to be found.  I came out, opened the cupboard door and there was the new tin of coffee.  It wasn’t at the front of the shelf, which might account for his missing it (not really!)  but he’s famous for not finding things that aren’t placed in his hands!   OK, I really shouldn’t tease someone who went out, got a great meal even while he’s not feeling 100%.  

OK, early morning appointments have the sole advantage that once they’re over, you’re free to do whatever you want for the rest of the day.  My doctor today wants me to remember that I’ve just been through a difficult period, and I have another one upcoming in a few weeks so I need to be kind to myself and rest more.  It’s an advantage that I don’t feel ill, but I do have to remember that a lot was done to me, and I need to give myself time to heal.  There’s my challenge for the next 3 weeks — rest, recuperate and recover.  I’ll  work on that… and I’ll ignore the giggles and nudges that I see out of the corner of my eye from some cheeky types!

That’s all for tonight.  I’m falling asleep on myself and I can’t get into my kitchen until tomorrow at the earliest.  But tomorrow is a new day!  Good night!  XOXOXO XXO XO


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