
I woke up this morning as a puppy pillow.  The comments from my siblings and a couple of close friends were “How is that different from any other day?” and “So what else is new?” I had to concede that they had something of a point, as it’s well-known that Jerry considers me to be part of the furniture.  This was emphasized today when I was sitting in my chair, typing an email to the bank, and Don went to the bathroom.  Jerry immediately left his position on the sofa, where he had been curled against Don and batted my iPad off my lap and jumped up for cuddles.  He goes from one to the other seamlessly so he’s almost always in contact with one of us.  I was on the phone with a friend, and half of my conversation was me saying “Jerry, I’m on the phone.  Stop scratching me!”  My pharmacy delivery occasioned some sulks, as he was restrained while the guy brought in my mountain o’Ensure cases and stacked them inside for me.  My appetite is better, although my taste is still absent.  I’ll take it, as I need to be able to eat.

I’ve got a few questions on various, unrelated subjects.  I’m hoping that you might be able to provide at least hints towards answers, if not actual responses.

How do Chinese restaurants produce those neon coloured, sticky sweet sauces that are supposed to be different flavours but are interchangeable except for colour?  I mean, if I make sweet and sour sauce at home, it’s a definite red due to the ketchup (carefully guarded recipe secret!) but not that neon, glow in the dark shade that exists nowhere in nature?  The “lemon” sauce tastes the same, but is a highlighter fluorescent yellow.  As for “duck” sauce — it’s the orange of roadwork traffic cones and is indistinguishable from any of the others.  I have a strong preference for foods that are not smothered in those sticky sauces, but Don happens to like sweet and sour chicken balls so the sauces pop up when we order Chinese.  

Why is it so challenging for people to follow directions?  It’s almost like they see them as a taunt, and they refuse to follow as if to say “You can’t tell me what to do!  Even though my job is to follow your directions, I’m not gonna!”  This is part of my Amazon delivery rant… my mailroom has a sign that clearly says, “Do not leave unattended packages in the mailroom.”  So of course, what happens?  Exactly. There’s a pile of packages there every day, because the delivery guy arrives, calls one person, gets let in, dumps the packages (there’s always at least 20 for my building on any given day, scattered among the 20 floors) and then exits. I challenged one a few days ago, and he just looked at me like I was crazy, and left. Is it that their work and pay conditions are so poor that they are forced to meet unreasonable deadlines?  Or are they just lazy and stubborn?  Or a third option that I haven’t identified?

I’ve gotta share a bit of history here.  Years ago, back in 2014, I did my first radiation treatment.  It was 6 weeks (turned into 7) and was dreadfully hard on me.  When that was over, I met with my surgeon so she could explain to me in greater detail what they were planning to do, and have me sign consent forms.  One of the things that they removed was my spleen.  I’d never considered the role of the spleen in my body, nor thought about the effect of losing another organ.  My surgeon explained that the spleen was essential in maintaining the function of my immune system, and that without it, I was at permanently increased risk of contracting an ailment that other people would just shake off but could send me to the ICU or the morgue.  Can you imagine my fear at hearing that? Or the increased fear when she explained that I would need to have prophylactic antibiotics in my purse in case of… and that I would need to be paranoid about germs for the rest of my life.  I was determined not to lose too many experiences, and I wanted to travel.  I talked with my medical team, and I have been able to do most things, but there are some hard rules that I must follow.  I can travel, but my travel can no longer include cruises.  Anywhere I go, I need to ensure that I can easily find a hospital, and that means ensuring that language is not a significant issue, which somewhat limits where I can go — although, thankfully, I speak more than one language fluently and I can function at a basic level in another couple. Since 2014, I travel wearing a mask, avoid anyone who coughs, sneezes or otherwise seems sick, and I stay away if I feel unwell.  Any of those precautions sound familiar?  This ties to the inability to follow directions question — but why are people such cowards and selfish, self-centred dim witted imbeciles?  

I’ve got more, but I think that this is enough to start.  If I go through too many more I’ll lose my sense of perspective and I need that to email Amazon to report that the “package” that I received today was empty!!!  I don’t know where my printer ink has gone, but it’s certainly not in my printer!  I need to channel Red Sonja, she of the flaming temper 😆. Then I’ll quietly retire to bed and catch some Z’s.  Good night, my lovelies, and may you have many sweet, peaceful dreams that don’t require violence to start!  


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