Kidnapping day 😛

 I went out to lunch with one of my friends today, so I used the opportunity to dress up a little.  We went to a Chinese place that I’ve seen, but never gone to, in the East end of Ottawa.  We had dim sum, and it seems that several of the items were hand made, not ordered in!  Lovely.  (Unless they’ve found a place that mass produces them so they look handmade). We also stopped for some Italian pastries… I won’t say any more.  Suffice it to say that I’m pleasantly full, and I have goodies in the fridge.  Unsurprisingly, I had a sulky puppy on my return home.  He’s started a new thing of howling when I leave the apartment.  I went downstairs this morning to pick up the newspaper (yes, I still get physical papers delivered!) and he howled like a melancholy abandoned dog until I came back up 4 minutes later!  He even had a treat before I left, and Don was home!  I don’t know why he’s acting like that.  He spent a good part of the day before I left whimpering and whining.  Don was cuddling him and trying to cheer him up; when I left he ignored me.  I hope he’ll stop this soon!  They are on the sofa, “watching” baseball.  How that works is that Jerry curls into a ball against Don’s leg, and Don watches the game and then his eyes drift closed…

I haven’t used my makeup in at least 2 years, because with covid, I had nowhere to go, and no need to do my face.  I decided to do some today — and I dumped a lot!  Many of my mascara (two that I had bought, a number of sample tubes that were unopened) went into the bin for being dried out, as did some of my eye shadows, because they crumbled.  At the end, what was left were some lipsticks and lipgloss that I’d received recently as a prize, some eye shadow (also a prize) and a lip pencil (because with a mask, I can’t really wear lipstick) and an eyebrow pencil.  I’m debating how much I need to replace, and how much can be sanitized and used (not much.). Even my brushes… the paint on the shaft cracked when I picked them up.  So there’s a makeup shopping situation upcoming… but it will be in the fall, after this summer’s treatment schedule!  Something to anticipate!  

I haven’t yet told my dad about the treatment, as I am trying to avoid him worrying and having an episode.  I did tell my aunt, who took it in stride and asked when I was going in and said that it’s better to get things done so I don’t have to worry.  I hate making them worry.  But I can’t keep these things from them.  Incidentally, the group session that I agreed to participate in is now up to tools and techniques for managing worry.  Some of them are effective for me, others not as much.  This week’s homework, though… write out your worst fear as if it has already happened, and keep going over it, adding more detail for coping until you’re not triggered any longer.  There’s a better than 80% chance that I won’t be doing it… let’s see what the magic crystal ball says!

I’m mentally preparing myself for the treatment schedule.  We’re optimistic about it, and I hope that it will work well.  Meanwhile, I’m thinking about what I pack for a week in hospital to keep myself amused, and perhaps a few snacks to overcome the hospital cooking… which is really never good!  Any ideas are welcome, and I’m open to suggestions.  Take care, and dream well.  Good night!


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