Sleepy time

This is how I was woken up this morning.  One small lycanthrope all stretched out for a tummy massage.  If I was too slow, or didn’t get the right spot, he’d rabbit-kick me and bat my hand into place.  I am clearly managed by the dog.  I’ll try pretending that I’m in charge, but it’s obvious that I’m not.  When my nurse arrived (early!!) today, Jerry communicated his severe disapproval of having his routine (and his lap!) disturbed.  Ah, well.  We decided to go to the grocery today, and went to 2 stores.  I made a lovely list, capturing the things that I needed, and had it on my phone, to reduce the chances of forgetting it at home. I got home, and realized that I’d missed a number of items on the list, plus I’d forgotten to add some things to the list, and… well, suffice it to say that this was not the most successful grocery-list-experiment undertaken!!

I attended part of the second group therapy session today - I had decided to give them 3 sessions to see if things would improve.  They did, since at least I didn’t have the urge to scream childishly. Nor did I want   to disrupt the speakers much.  So far we’re focused on identifying unhelpful behaviours that contribute to anxiety.  That was actually interesting and useful.  We took a look at about 10 behaviours that make life more challenging, even if it’s not so easy to put them behind you.  I’ve had to adjust my thinking a bit to focus on me, instead of saying, “Oh, you do that!” and pointing to someone else. For myself, it’s easy to point to other people, and very hard to name and manage my own weaknesses.  Easy and fun. 😆. Anyway, I’ve got more homework (that’s one of the downsides of this group thing!) to determine whether I engage in unhelpful behaviour and identify strategies for coping.   

I’ve got a crack of dawn appointment tomorrow, so I will be heading in really early tonight.  Someone remind me to tell you what Don was up to last night when he was disrupting my TV watching… Good night!


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