End of June

I was “kidnapped” today at lunch; my kidnapper is very considerate and gives me some notice so I can change out of my stay-at-home comfy clothes into leave-the-house mostly comfy stuff. The smell of smoke still pervades everything and there’s reduced visibility — the skies are a dingy November grey, but no rain, just smoke from the wildfires. Breathing is a challenge, as it’s humid as well as smoky. Yuck. Jerry is in high excitement for the day, partly because I was out this afternoon, and partly because my ( his ) support worker was here later. He thinks that she’s here for his amusement, and objects to her taking me off to do things like bathe and do stuff in the house. Don, thankfully, feels better today than he did the last couple of days, and has a little more energy. I’m hoping that he shaves his beard soon — I should be used to it by now, but I’m not a fan of dense face fungus. I’m not doing anything overt, just dropping hints about...