Birthday planning

A late, and fairly short, update tonight.  I had another interrupted night last night, and finally got 3 hours of sleep around 6am.  Not my idea of fun, you understand!  Jerry was banished so I could fall asleep without being used as a shelter, and that sort of helped until my arm gave a spasm and jolted me awake.  I was unthrilled by that!  Don also didn’t sleep too well last night, but he got several hours of sleep during the day today, then he locked himself into his computer room for a good long while as he sorted out a problem that he caused 😁  I know, it’s a bit mean to point out that he caused the problem, but 99% of the time it’s something that he’s tried that crashes his system.  I’ve been using Apple devices now for about 7 years, and I’ve largely forgotten how to use the Windows environment; plus I haven’t used a mouse in that period and I’m very inefficient now with one!  I haven’t used a laptop in that time either, and find that what I might need one for is maybe 20 minutes twice a year, so it’s not worth the expense, although it’s been pointed out to me that using one would probably be better for certain things that I do.  I think that the people who recommend that I get a laptop want me to suffer along with them, although Don doesn’t suggest that to me and he’s still firmly attached to his desktop computer.

I had an appointment with my palliative care doctor today, who also encouraged me to get the X-ray and ultrasound ASAP so he could “see what’s going on in there” with my arm and shoulder.  I’ll work on that next week, so we can have resolution.  I didn’t call back the clinic as I don’t know which one received the requisition, and I didn’t feel like calling 10+ locations to try to track it down.  Also something for next week.  Keeping a moderately filled “to do” list gives me a reason to get out of bed in the morning, and that’s all to the good.  In our conversation, he mentioned that the side effects from my chemo drug are known to go away during the second cycle (which I just started) so we’re hoping that another week should see the end of my lack of taste and therefore restoration of my appetite.  Fingers crossed, right?

I FINALLY made the reservation for my birthday dinner.  There’s a restaurant that we’ve gone to for over 10 years to celebrate, as they hold LobsterFest every year (except during the “global issue.”)  I’d called them at the beginning of the month to ask if they were resuming this year (they didn’t last year because of restrictions) and I was told no.  I hunted around for alternates but I’d held off on making reservations for no really good reason.  Tonight I was there with some friends (awesome people, some I hadn’t seen in over a year and my other very good friend who I don’t see often enough) and the server dropped the specials menu — LobsterFest for the rest of the month!  I immediately booked them, and will be sending out updated invitations tonight.  I’m really happy, as this has been a tradition for a long while and I very much enjoy lobster (there are other good choices for the non-lobster-eaters among us)  

Anyway, it’s late, I just got home from a great dinner, and it’s chemo time.  Jerry disapproved of my leaving him at home with Don, and is hovering about 10cm from my ankles since I got back.  He just got into one of my balls of crochet wool, and is happily trying to pull it apart, so I’m off to rescue the wool and administer some discipline.  Good night!


  1. Glad you getting some sleep I pray your body calm down and relax so you can have sweet sleep at night ...for Wayne and I it is the numbness in the feet Jesús I oil them and socks them exercise and take calm tablets to relax...sound like a yummy Birthday plan enjoy be happy 😊


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