Break day

My sister sent me this photo of the waterfront in Port of Spain.  She and my niece are spending a long weekend in Tobago, and they sent some photos from the ferry.  Is it strange that I can almost feel the sun on my back and smell the sea?  It’s getting hot and muggy here now, unfortunately with smoke particles mixed in.  I understand from the news reports that the smoke is now affecting the UK and Western Europe, in addition to North America and parts of the Caribbean.  Really challenging to breathe today, because of it.  Jerry plunked himself on my lap for a long period this morning, so I couldn’t do anything.  He seems to think that a total of 10 hours of zoom in a week is excessive 😛  Don was complaining that he didn’t feel quite like himself today, and had an upset tummy for a while.  He’s perked up a little this evening, so hopefully he’s back to himself soon.

I slept a little better last night, although I was still feeling drained today.  My taste, I realize, although it’s mostly returned, is not fully restored.  Some foods don’t taste quite as they should, but I’m able to tell them apart again.  My arm pain seems to have transferred partially to my back… frankly, I’m tired of all of these things that don’t work as advertised.  I’m hoping that my energy will be enough in place that I can do a few things over the next weekend.  I’m really annoyed that I can’t do what I’d like, and that I feel largely useless for things that were normal for me.  I mean, I love cooking, but the energy needed for food preparation is huge.  Plus I can’t reach the upper shelves any more (I’m about 15cm shorter than I used to be!) and I can’t climb on my step stool.  It’s pathetic and frustrating, and I’m just thankful for having a support worker who can take things down and put them back up… I’d arranged my cupboards for my original height with the help of a stool.  ðŸ˜®‍💨

I was horrified today by the recent US Supreme Court ruling.  The current trend has been, IMHO, to go backwards and undo many of the markers of a free society.  Starting with giving free speech rights to corporations, leading to even more corporate funding influencing elections, to striking down abortion protections, to allowing online threats and so on.  It’s horrifying.  The country that bragged about being a “leader of the free world” and the “defender of democracy” and a “champion of human rights” is sliding down a steep, slippery slope into the very dark side of humanity.  The spate of laws passed that attack women — let’s start there, shall we? — with the ever tightening anti-abortion rules, which punish people who even aid in getting abortions (except the politicians whose mistresses get them easily!) And imagine still having to fight for equal wages for doing the same job — we’ve seen this most obviously in the entertainment industry that women are paid less than the men even when in similar roles, although it’s prevalent in business.  Then we get into the attacks on LGBTQ+ where they’re denied services, jobs and housing.  And people of colour, who are disproportionately attacked, charged and sentenced by law enforcement.  Compare, for instance, sentences for possession of marijuana; young Black men will almost always receive a jail sentence, while a white offender gets probation or community service.  Let’s not even discuss the almost-daily reporting of mass shooting events, which are now so common that they barely rate a 2-minute mention on the news!  Then a senator stands up and says, “we can’t do anything to stop this, so there’s no point even trying.”  Honestly?  I’m really disgusted by the direction that’s being taken by political leaders, who largely ignore the will of the populace in favour of their corporate overlords, and who undercut workers rights… it’s absolutely distressing.

My dear American friends, as you approach your Independence Day, how about freeing yourself from mental slavery to the idea that you’re making things better?  Canada isn’t exactly the model for perfection either, we do have our flaws.  But given the current trends in the USA, there really needs to be some deep thought and serious changes.  A lot of humanitarianism is needed to change your thinking and treat all your citizens (and residents) equitably.

Sorry for the rant… it’s something that stung when I was watching the news.  I really need to not do that when I’m tired!  And now, meds and puppy.  Good night!


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