
The smoke has cleared, and our air quality index is back to 2 (low risk) so it’s much nicer outside, although things are quite dusty.  My aloe plant looks very sorry for herself, and seems bedraggled.  Today’s flower, though, comes from a friend who has green hands (not just a green thumb) and is part of this spring/summer set of blooms.  I had a quite good night last night, and was allowed to sleep in until 9:30 this morning — well, I was woken up a little earlier by a call from a doctor’s office to update my appointment, but since I went back to sleep that doesn’t really count.  Jerry was in his hyperactive mode again today, and was shaking the life out of one of his plastic bone toys.  I’ll have to take a quick hunt for his various toys and extract the heavy ones which are most likely to cause me harm.  He has been very naughty and hurt my arm again — his new morning trick is to try to crawl under my arm then to stand up, which pushes my arm up suddenly and leaves me with serious pain to the point that I need help getting dressed.  Banishment from sleeping with me is in his future, I think, and I’ll have to harden my heart to his sad whining.  Don was feeling a little energetic today, but not enough to do his bloodwork yet; we’ll see how that goes and if he manages to do that early next week before our appointment with the new family doctor.

Today was one when I really didn’t feel like eating.  I wasn’t hungry and I stared at the contents of my fridge and nothing leapt out at me.  I made myself drink Ensure just to be sure that I was getting some of the calories I need.  Incidentally, my pharmacy was due to send over my refill of Ensure today but they didn’t.  I don’t know why; I called but had to leave a voicemail so I’m waiting for a return call.  I’m thinking about what I want to eat and I’m really coming up empty on ideas.  The only thought that keeps recurring is some curry but since I have no tastebuds, even that doesn’t really appeal.

I’m in the minority for this, I know, but… whatever.  (Apparently that’s a hallmark of GenX; we’re supposed to be largely disengaged and somewhat cynical.)  I have no interest in gossip shows — you know the ones that focus on the “entertainment” industry.  I really have no interest in who’s dating whom, or who broke up with whom, or which overpriced mega mansion is being bought by which overpaid individuals.  I mention this only because so much of the news cycle goes to covering them and I’m honestly floored by the number of people who spend so much of their time and money trying to emulate their favourite celebrities.  Worse, when it comes to people who flock to follow the ideas of whoever it is that they idolize, which often and tragically leads to death threats or obsessive behaviour leading to injuries.  What saddens me is that many of them are living at or below the poverty line, and they spend their limited money on memorabilia hyped by a celeb.  Most of these people also claim to be Christian, and they’re violating the first commandment (“Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.”)  Not just a little, but totally.  I’m embarrassed to point out that so many people practice a form of Christianity that bears absolutely no resemblance to the actual teachings.  I’m not going to list all the ways they do that, but it’s really obvious in far too many ways.  I think that if you demonstrate hatred to anyone, then you really can’t call yourself Christian, godly or even “spiritual”.  Thoughts?

Got to go deal with drugs for tonight, and with a dog who is watching me closely from the sofa.  I’ll be turned into a dog bed soon… Good night.


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