
Another late, and relatively short, post tonight, as I’m just getting home now.  I had a somewhat unhappy tummy last night, which led to a broken night, so I didn’t fall asleep properly until after 6am and then didn’t wake up until 10:30 and was dozing on myself from about 2pm onwards.  I’d like it if I could fall asleep when I go to bed and wake up refreshed 7-8 hours later, and not “sleep away” on myself in the afternoons.  Alternately, I suppose that I could build in a siesta for a couple of hours after lunch and then be more alert in the evening.  I’m not entirely sure what’s the preferred approach.  Jerry spent most of the day attached to my ankles, or on my lap, not leaving me unattended for more than a few seconds.  I think he thinks that I’ll run off and leave him behind, which is a dreadful offence in his mind!  Don’s ankle — where the gout has settled this time — is badly swollen, and he’s unsteady walking as he can’t properly put weight on his leg.  The cooler weather is easier for his breathing, and I’m happy about that, as it makes him more comfortable and he can be a bit more active.  His sleep cycle is a little off, as he’s been sleeping more in the day, but he’s getting rest.

I had another round of “digestive distress” during the night and early this morning.  It’s frustrating when that happens, as you can imagine.  My friend says that I probably ate some off seafood last night, and I didn’t realize because of my lack of taste.  I don’t think so, as everything smelt fine, but perhaps.  I was hesitant to eat anything today, but had some Ensure (the only thing that doesn’t taste strange) and half a croissant.  My arm is less painful unless I make a sudden movement, although it still hurts when I lift it.  

Tonight was the 50th birthday of the sister of a friend of mine.  They were among the first people I’d met when I first arrived in Canada, and we’d become close friends.  My friend successfully arranged a surprise party for her sister, and I was there in time for the reveal.  That’s so much fun!  The other great thing was that I got to see several people with whom I’d lost contact over the years — one guy didn’t recognize me at all! — and it was lovely to catch up with them.  One “aunt” was surprised and pleased to see me.  She said that she doesn’t go out much anymore as her health has deteriorated enough that she relies of ParaTranspo (a transportation service for persons with mobility difficulties) and is no longer allowed to drive, so she almost didn’t come tonight.  I’m glad she did; we sat next to each other for dinner and chatted.  I also saw someone who used to work with Don when we’d first come to Ottawa 24 years ago, and he was just thrilled to get a chance to see and talk to Don when he came to pick me up.  I will be wiped out tomorrow, but it’s so worth it to see old friends!

I’m trying to get out more in the warmer weather; it’s harder in the winter, but I’d still make an effort.  Things like this weekend, last night and tonight, where I can see people and chat, motivate me to try doing more.  Yes, I know that it’s exhausting, and I’ll need rest for a day or so, but then I’m ready to do more.  I ate later than usual tonight, as I was out, which pushes my chemo time back, and therefore a later bedtime.  It’s all good; Sunday is a designated day of rest and I’ll use it for that purpose!  Jerry is lying with his head on Don’s leg but watching me to see what I’m doing, so if I move he’ll be off the sofa and shadowing me closely!  I’m stopping now for a break, and then will take my meds and go to bed.  Good night!


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