Bustin out

I had a busy day today, starting with what that very cheeky Don refers to as my “grooming”.  My friend came and picked me up this morning and drove me to her salon where she (hand) cut my hair into something less Einstein-inspired and more look-like-my-mother.  Don came to get me after we’d had an early lunch, and she went on to deal with her other customers and I came back for my dietitian appointment.  The heat persists, with today reaching 34C and a 40C humidity, so we’ve broken a second heat record this week (and this month, if you’re counting).  There’s a thunderstorm watch in effect until 2am, but so far it looks like we won’t have any.  Jerry is pooped out after an afternoon of schnoodling in which he’s destroyed his toy (he’s had this one for a year, so he’s improving, although I’m not sure if that’s due to him losing and finding toys after a couple of months or maturity… I’m inclined to the former.)  Don is struggling, as we’re all doing, with the heat, so the car is colder than the house, but the walk back from the garage is exhausting so he has to find the balance point.

I’ve been drinking a lot of cold water, just because — as mentioned — it’s hot and even delicate tropical flowers like myself have been known to wilt in excessive heat!  I’ve got a long-standing rule that “if you don’t eat in the heat you’ll get beat (sick)” so I am exerting extra pressure on myself to eat so I don’t become limp in this hotter-than-the-tropics weather.  Iced water, ice cream, and cold juices are what I’m succeeding with, although today I had some pizza.  My friend has promised to pick me up some barbecue from RibFest, so I’ll make an extra push to kickoff summer eating when it arrives later this weekend!  My dietitian has suggested (again) smoothies made from Ensure, ice cream and milk which might be an idea.  I’ll get the chill and my calories.  She wants me to throw out any cooked food that’s sat in the fridge for more than 48 hours, even if it’s been kept chilled, out of concern for food-borne illnesses.  I’m not sure that’s a reasonable timeline, as I’ll sometimes have stuff there for 3 or 4 days (if I haven’t eaten it by then I’m not likely to) which means that I will have to toss some thawed, frozen entrees that I couldn’t consume in one sitting.  That’s really going to challenge me!  My oncologist made the very sensible suggestion that I don’t weigh myself frequently as it’s just one more stressor that I don’t need.  I normally just check my weight before my appointment with the dietitian, so that’s maybe monthly.

Instead of moaning about the heat, I’m starting to think about the really important question of this month — How to celebrate my 55th birthday? — I’ve got all sorts of ideas, most of which are impractical or unrealistic.  I’m allowed, though, aren’t I?  It is, after all, my birthday, so I get to have flights of fancy!  I think that what I would enjoy tremendously, would be to have time with my friends where we can just talk, laugh, perhaps dance or sing a bit, and then do the birthday cake (with ice cream, and possibly strawberries) preferably somewhere outdoors if it’s not too hot (and my annual birthday rain finishes before noon.)  Here’s where the fantasy comes in:  a catered champagne picnic with a few tables scattered around and some very swanky finger food served by waiters in a luxurious garden.  A scaled-down Royal afternoon tea party, if you will.  We can all get dressed up in cool but elegant outfits, and be silly.  Or perhaps a strawberry social — the nice thing with a late June birthday is that strawberries are in season, and just ready to be gorged!! — with strawberry shortcake and champagne cocktails (I sense a theme 😆) Lots of cool or chilled things to eat and drink (summer birthdays are known for heat) with fruit cocktails (freshly made, not canned!) and perhaps ice lollies.  Then, of course, I still celebrate for a while after, pausing for Don’s in late July.  

Does that sound too unreasonable?  I know that having the waiters and catered champagne picnic is over the top, but an afternoon / evening with friends would be ideal.  The really outrageous thing that I’d love, but which is firmly in the realm of fantasy is to have a surprise party… you know, when you think everyone’s forgotten and then people pop up and yell, “Surprise!” And we party (my little niece likes to say, “Surprise!  Happy birthday!” I find that hilarious.)  OK, I have just over 3 weeks to plan, so I’ll be busy working on that for a while.  As for tonight, my routine kicks off.  It’s time for my chemo pills and to cuddle the sleepy schnoodle who has tired himself out.  Good night!


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