My sister sent me this photo of sunset overlooking the ocean in Trinidad so I could “remember what the tropics look like.” It’s not something I’d ever forget, but I appreciate the picture nonetheless. It’s smoky here today, the result of 400+ wildfires so that the smoke blows over the city — the fires are across the country, but there are several dozen in northern Quebec and Ontario, and a new one just 100km outside of Ottawa. It’s harder to breathe today, even being indoors, and the smoke smell hangs over the buildings. Jerry is uncomfortable with the smell, I think, and he’s been trying to either hide himself under my legs or he’s trying to dig a hole in the sofa to hide. There are a number of fire engines in the area today and Jerry has been singing to accompany the sirens… Don says that it’s hard to breathe and his throat is burning; he’s coughing more, unsurprisingly. I was awake early because of an appointment before 9am, and by 10:30 I was falling asleep on myself in my chair, so I went to bed for a few hours. I felt better after my nap, which is a great feeling!
Yesterday’s status continues — my arm is improving, with the occasional twinge, and I continue to feel hungry although food has no taste; not even when I add some Trinidadian pepper sauce. I felt the burn, but tasted nothing at all. Very disappointing. I was looking at the stuff I have in the freezer, and realizing that if I took out anything to thaw I’d probably wind up having to throw out a lot by following the dietitian’s recommendation as I can’t eat enough in 2 days. I’m hoping that I’ll regain my taste soon and then I’ll be better able to eat stuff.
I’m embarrassed to confess this, all the more so since I was an IT person and did technical support — although in my defence, that was over 25 years ago and used systems that are now obsolete. But still… So I was looking for someone’s phone number when my contacts app said “90 duplicates found” and asked if I wanted to merge them. I went through and realized that I had 3 and 4 copies of the same contacts, so I clicked “Merge” on each of them (after checking that the information was recorded.) About half an hour later, I went to text a friend and… their contact information had vanished. Yes, it was one of the “merge” contacts, but in my understanding “merge” was not “delete”! I went to check, and every single “merge” contact had vanished from my iPad. I know that I had 2 email accounts with stored contacts, and years ago I wanted to get rid of one but there were too many addresses to save; there’s no easy way to move multiple addresses from one account to another, so I left it and ensured that my main account was set as default. I have no idea what happened today, so I will need people to DM me their contact information again, please… I’ve got some emails, and some phone numbers (not necessarily for the same people!) but mailing addresses have gone into the ether. I’m wondering if my iPhone and iPad had separate copies of the contacts and now they’re split across the 2? I don’t know, and it’s frustrating and so embarrassing!
That being said, I’m off to eat in preparation for the lead up to my pills. It would be better if I could taste the food, but it’s all good. I also want to eat before I have little puppy eyes asking me to share. It’s hard to ignore… but I’ll harden my heart. Good night!
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