
One cute little dog ruling the dog park!  He got taken for a long walk and some sunning, and he was absolutely thrilled to be out bossing all the other dogs he encountered.  He was welcomed back by several dogs and their humans who were happy to see him after a long break.  He came back looking very proud of himself and is now curled up taking a nap and recharging for romping later.  We all agree that he’s a bit spoiled, and he’s clearly sucking up all the petting he gets.  Silly boy.  It’s very humid today, so I feel sluggish and not inclined to eat.  But I know the old warning, “if you don’t eat in the heat, you’ll get sick” (it doesn’t rhyme, but that’s fine; it makes the point.)  I did eat — I ordered some chicken nuggets from Wendy’s, and those were 2 servings.  Don had a chicken sandwich combo, which he said was just ok, but at least we managed to eat something today.  I admit that this heat — more so the humidity — saps my energy and I have no urge to cook, which often links to not wanting to eat much.  I’m going to do some food preparation with my support worker over our increased hours, so that there’s likely to be more food available.  

I woke up feeling tired this morning, which might be as a result of the increased heat.  This is discouraging, as I’m a delicate tropical flower who was born and raised in heat and humidity!  Now I can’t manage heat?  What ish is this?  I’m needing to use Ventolin to feel like I’m getting enough air — I’m not asthmatic, but I need it to feel better.  I’m not thrilled by that, I can tell you!

It’s old fashioned, I know, and I’m in a minority, but I do love getting post.  I received a couple of (I think, I haven’t opened yet) birthday cards from friends, and Don laughs at me for stacking them on the table and waiting until Monday to open them.  I’m a bit of a sentimentalist, and I keep the cards for a few years.  I found one that was sent to me by a cousin shortly before her death 15 or so years ago.  I also happened to find notes that I’d stored in a box from other people who have passed on.  It’s touching to me to see their writing and to read and remember the news at the time.  One was a letter from a friend telling me about the birth of her granddaughter (who is now almost 18) and how excited they were for her arrival.  There’s a bookmark with a note from a friend of my mother’s that said, “I know you like to read; this might help”  These kinds of things are deeply touching to me, and I can’t easily express how much I appreciate them.  I owe letters to a couple of people, and I’ll get to them soon, because I don’t want to write as an obligation.  I got a letter recently, and I put it aside for a couple of days so I could settle down and read it while I was enjoying a cup of tea.  

That’s about all for tonight.  I’ve got some stuff to work on and part of it will be to negotiate some space from the tiny dictator who is waking up and wandering around looking to get into mischief.  His legs are very long, and they’ll get him into trouble, as he can just reach over the edge of the table so we’ve got to try harder to keep things away from him.  Plus he can jump, so he does that to get into my lap and knock my iPad off… Good night!


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