June weekend

It’s a much cooler day today than the last couple.  Still sunny, but the temperature was a lot more moderate.  We had a bit of a windstorm last night, which scared Jerry and made him try to dig a hole in the bed to hide under me.  We had a few arguments as the way he arranged himself caused my arm to ache badly, but he finally found a position and slept all night.  He then has spent as much of today on my lap as he could manage!  He’s finally transitioned over to curl up by Don on the sofa while baseball plays.  This week I had early morning appointments every day, combined with the overnight construction, so today my body erected a 🛑 and all my energy has been sucked up.  I’m not surprised at that, although I’m pleased that it held off until today.  Don is breathing more easily as it’s cooler, and I may have to shut the windows tonight as we’re forecast to be in single digits. Hopefully I’ll be able to sleep tonight and feel less tired.

My friend very kindly brought over barbecue chicken and ribs this evening, so I had a rib, a piece of chicken and a tablespoon of macaroni and cheese.  I’m sure it was delicious, but I could taste nothing.  I struggled with that, as you can imagine, and part of the struggle was keeping a small dog from mooching.  After our arguments last night, my arm is a bit sore; I’ve rubbed it with muscle rub and used the percussion massager on it.  That seems to have helped a little, but I’m again hoping that I don’t have that argument again tonight!  (Why does this dog not go after Don and leave me to sleep?) 

I watched Mamma Mia II today; fun, but not as good as the first one.  There was one line in particular that jumped out at me; on being asked by a man, “do you remember me?” Bill answers, “I’m a man in my 50s, I barely remember breakfast.”  I know it’s intended to provoke a laugh, but it’s also intended to say that he’s old and getting out of touch.  In fairness, I remember when I thought that 50 was old… heck, I remember when 30 was the end of life!  I have one friend who thought that we’d all be dead before we turned 30 (they’re alive, healthy and in their mid-50’s.)  I used to joke with Auntie Ming and call her my “little old aunt” and she would reply, “you’re not so young anymore either, niece!” She used to call people in their 70s “young” and I’d disagree.  She very wisely pointed out that “old” was always at least 10 years older than whatever age we are.  I know that I’ve given up trying to guess people’s ages, as I am always wrong — in the wrong direction! — except with my friends, whose ages I already know.  I’m also finding that time sort of compresses; I still think that the 80s were 20 years ago, and not 40!  I know that I’ve also reached what someone called “the wonder years” where I wonder what I was going to say/do a few seconds earlier!  I can’t tell you how often I think, “Oh, I need to look that up,” open my browser and have no idea what I wanted to research!  Or walked into a room with no idea of why I’m there.  About the only thing I’m reasonably certain of is my medication schedule, because it’s in my phone.  Thanks to my friend for encouraging me to set reminders for my meds.

I’m hoping that my supper will not trigger nausea, as I’m still testing what and when I can eat before my meds.  I’m optimistic, as I don’t feel queasy, so I should be fine.  I’ll try taking a couple of moments before I’m assaulted by the puppy who will wake up in a minute.  Good night.


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