
Back to photos of Trinidad; the beach sunset is more calming than smoky skies — or in today’s weather, storm clouds.  I was listening to the news talking about the reach of the smoke plumes from Canada, stretching as far south as Mexico and apparently crossing the Atlantic and affecting the UK.  Jerry was in a hyperactive mood today, bouncing on my tummy and arm as though I were a trampoline… that’s not helpful to my arm, which has returned to being sore and ouchie.  Don had a good night last night, and was a his usual mischievous self today (he was whispering to Jerry, “she’s coming to get you!  You’ll need to go jump on her,” and sending Jerry to me!!) Pests, the two of them!! 🥰

As it happens, we never lost power today.  I’m quite happy about that, although I woke up at 6 so I could have a cup of tea (the outage was set to start at 7 and last until 12:30) and make Don a pot of coffee so we’d have something hot this morning.  I went back to bed shortly after 7, where I was used as a combination bouncy castle - dog bed - scratching post by a little dog… I finally fell asleep and got a couple of hours rest.  My day wasn’t quite as productive as I’d hoped — I’d planned to do one of the grant applications today but I couldn’t focus; instead I went down a rabbit hole of Reddit and the /AITA threads.  I’m of the firm view that the majority of those tales are fabricated to get reactions, because it’s hard to believe that there are people like the ones described there. 

It’s my brother’s birthday today, so happy birthday Hans!  I’m glad you had a good day spent doing what you enjoy.  June is just packed with birthdays — I think that I know someone born every day from June 3 - 29 inclusive.  It’s just so great having so many celebrations, isn’t it?  I learnt that the parents of 2 of my friends share my birthday (one of whom is my ‘twin’ - we’re the same age and the fact that she has a daughter the same age as my goddaughter is a little scary!) Gotta love birthday month!

I’m continuing to work on my crochet project; you’ll get more details as it progresses.  It’s a free form project, meaning that I create individual pieces and then join them together.  On the one hand, it’s a great way to express creativity (thanks to my artist friend for helping me sort out the design) and I don’t have to worry too much about making mistakes (every single pattern that I’ve ever done has an error; it’s almost my trademark.)  On the other hand, it’s challenging as I don’t really know when I’m done!  I’ve got the design in my head, and I’ve been making pieces to match it, but I unfortunately don’t have enough space to lay it all out easily (perhaps the bed?) so I can pin things in place and see how it looks and whether I need to make more pieces and if so, what they should be.  There’s a very real possibility that I’ll make too many pieces, and then where will we be?  ðŸ˜† I did do a count of how many pieces I’d need to do each part of what I had in mind, but then I changed my ideas, and I’d bought a variety of yarn so now I have way too much, and… these are all “me issues” and the result of my ambition exceeding my ideas.  Everything I’ve chosen is within my capability, and then I have ideas of other things that I want to do, so I’m likely to keep myself busy for a while.

My pattern of eating an hour after my pills seems to be a good one.  My blood sugar doesn’t drop overnight, I don’t go to bed hungry, and there’s no nausea.  All good things.  Now I am needed to pet the little monster, who’s hyping up again!  Good night.


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