Birthday eve

The smoke from the wildfires has returned, and the city again smells like a wood burning stove.  Add the heat and humidity and you get an idea of how unpleasant it is today.  We’re supposed to get rain for the next few days, so that may help clear the air a bit.  Jerry was telling my support worker that he’s a neglected and abandoned dog who nobody loved… She cuddled him for a while, and then he spread himself over my lap to protest her departure!  Silly boy.  Don has been saying that he’s having trouble breathing, and his eyes and throat are burning from the smoke.  We’ve been running air filters to try to reduce the smoky smell, but it’s really quite strong.  We ordered some Chinese for dinner, and we’re just waiting for that now.  The good thing about getting my taste back is that I’m also getting a bit hungry, so I’m encouraging that!

Today is the birthday of one of my cousins; we’ve always referred to these days as “our birthday” and jointly celebrate.  Her daughters shared some photos of her celebration, which included a lovely home cooked meal with the children and grandchildren and a very luscious cake.  I’m glad she’s having a fun day and getting a break from cooking.  

My sleep was somewhat interrupted last night; I kept waking up and having difficulty going back to sleep.  I had my support worker check, as I’ve had a sore spot on my lower back that aches when I’m lying down.  There are no bruises or anything like that on my back, just a fairly prominent bone.  Can I mention that I’ve never had prominent bones before?  I’ve historically been padded in all areas, but that’s changed these days.  Oh, I also need to report that my arm is behaving itself, with a few exceptions, notably if I move too quickly or raise my arm off to the side.  It’s a relief, since it was so frustrating being in pain for that long!

OK, my sister just shocked me by showing up at my door!  She arrived bearing gifts (and food) and I’m still reeling.  We’ll talk tomorrow, I’m off for family time!  (Don and my sister-friend were apparently in on this!)  Good night!


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