Month end

Can you imagine, it’s already the end of September? Somehow 9 months of this year have slipped past! Tempus fugit, really! It’s warmer today than it was during the week, and the forecast calls for temperatures in the mid- to upper-20s this week coming. October with almost 30C temps? Unbelievable. It’s difficult to imagine that this will last much longer, and I am not ready at all for winter… the older I get, the less I enjoy winter, so yes, I’m clearly in the wrong part of the world for this. Jerry seems to have decided that games will now happen before he gets up, and that will involve turning in circles, running up and down the bed, scrabbling under the bed and then jumping up for cuddles before he’ll agree to me getting up! Don is still not in good shape, and complains about pain and soreness. He’s also engrossed with his sports, and has been watching various games since about 1pm today. You’ll be excited to hear that I cooked som...