Fall starting
It’s getting cooler, and while it’s nice for sleeping I’m less than thrilled about needing sweaters and blankets all day because it’s saddening to admit that it’s going to be cold and snowing soon. If we do manage a white Christmas, that would be lovely, and even better if it melts on January 2! I’m not a snow bunny. Jerry spent a large part of the day on my lap and almost fell off when I fell asleep myself. He’s curled up on Don at the moment. Don was slightly better this morning, but continues to be in pain. I would like to do something to help him improve, but I’m out of ideas.
My nurse was here today and my blood pressure registered quite low. That’s unusual — well, my pressure is normally not high, but today was well below that level. We took it 4 times, concluded that the machine was wonky, tried mine and while it was still low, it was higher than hers. Today turned into a rest day as a result. I cooked some spaghetti today, which was quite nice. I’m sorry that I missed yesterday’s barbecue, but I’ll make up for it in other ways I hope. I slept like a baby last night — waking up fairly regularly for a drink of water, but dropping back off quickly.
I got the excellent news yesterday that a friend of mine was the recipient of one of the National Awards for Trinidad and Tobago for his services to education. We’d met a long time ago when we were at university, and I’ve seen his kids go from babies to qualified veterinarian and recording artist, so it’s been a very long time. I was able to watch his investiture thanks to the lovely technology that streams these events. Reading through the list of honourees, I saw several prominent names, and I’m unabashedly saying that I know one of them personally. Well done Richard.
This is going to be short, mostly because I’m finding that I’m falling asleep without much effort. I’ll probably have a longer update tomorrow, but for tonight, I’m getting some rest. Good night!
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