Lazy cat

Another lovely September morning.  Started off chilly enough that your breath condensed in front of your face and warmed up nicely.  I was looking off my balcony, and I can see that some of the trees are beginning to turn, although a lot aren’t.  I think I’ve got about a week to enjoy the colours before they begin to drop and the trees look bare and sad.  Last year this time I was heading to my sister for a long break with the small people, and I had all of October watching the Niagara Escarpment go from flaming colours to dingy grey by the time I got back home.  Jerry has not been leaving me alone at all today.  He spends a good chunk of the night on me, leaps into my lap as soon as I get up, and dozes off for most of the afternoon.  It gets uncomfortable for me to read or crochet, and if I’m engrossed in a TV show, he sits up to block my view… I don’t get it.  Don has been sleeping a lot today as he had a poor night last night, but he’s now watching a sport (and I hear little snores) so he’s obviously happy with his lot!

I’m craving cake.  I was considering baking, but I had a dog on my lap… I may decide to bake tomorrow, as my craving is getting quite strong.  I thought about ordering from a restaurant, but the prices just scare me, and I can make one almost in the time it takes to deliver, add in what I’d like, and it’ll cost me less to make a whole cake than I’d be charged for a 1/12 slice… Does that sound like a reasonable plan of action?  I’m also tempted to make some scones and cookies, but I don’t want to exhaust myself too much.  It’s sad that I have to consider all these options!!  I love cooking, hate cleanup, am happy playing with doughs, batters, and other dessert-making things, but I need frequent rests and bending to lift things out of the oven is a wee challenge.  Oh, because I was asked, I just wanted to update that my shoulder (which, as you may remember, was giving me heck a few months ago) has settled down and I just have a little pulling sensation when I stretch above my head.  Otherwise, it’s all normal, thanks be!  I was awake before 8 this morning, as my lay minister was here early, and I took a nap this afternoon from 1-2pm; very refreshing!

To my Trini friends… I will be mailing my Christmas cards by early next week in the hope that they arrive there before the event.  I’d mailed a card for my dad’s August birthday in mid-June, and it hasn’t yet arrived… I’m not overly optimistic, but I’ll try.  The Post Office underwent a “renewal” initiative some years ago with NZPost, and while the kiwis were in charge, mail was back to the efficiency of British Mail and items were delivered in 2-5 days.  Then it was turned over to local management and… I had to call and get a refund because I’d paid for express delivery for an item (same day, according to the PO) that wasn’t delivered for 10 DAYS!  Then there were many instances where the post office had no stamps; many little outlets were closed; on street post boxes were cleared maybe once a week, parcels could only be collected at 2 locations between 10am-noon 2 days a week, and at home delivery is sketchy at best.  How I’d love to get involved and update the service!  I mentioned it once to my parents and they asked if I were suicidal, as the stress would be extreme — TT labour unions are still mired in the practices of the 1930s and their first response to any change is “STRIKE!!”  The difference between that mindset and the Canadian public service unions with whom I worked for many years is extreme.  OK, done griping!  But just be aware that Christmas cards for TT will be mailed at the beginning of October, and I hope they’ll arrive at least by the beginning of January at the latest.

I’m in search of a new fall coat.  I’ve had one for several years that I absolutely love.  It’s red, with a floral design, is quilted and lined and has HUGE pockets.  The thing is, though, I bought it when I was about 60+ lbs heavier than I am now, and when I put it on the other day I was drowned.  It’s also quite heavy (now) and the photo of me in it is clownish and laughable.  It’s a gorgeous coat, and will be gifted to a friend, while I seek a replacement.  The store from which I bought it was a pandemic victim, and I can’t find the manufacturer online.  I’ve been scanning all the many hundreds of women’s clothing retailers online, as well as some of the stores (although the department stores aren’t likely to carry something like this) unsuccessfully.  Fingers crossed that I find something I like, even if it means hunting through tiny boutiques that have 10 items on display and seem to expect you to pay their month’s rent with a single purchase… 

The boys are “watching” a game, snoring quietly, and I think I’m going to stuff my face with some chocolate 😊  Thanks, P, for the large box which is looking sparse now 😆  Good night!


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