Cooler day
The temperature dropped to 17C this morning when it was time to go to school. Such a relief after the sweltering heat of earlier this week. Don said that he needed a blanket for a bit, as the temperature in Ottawa also did a drop and he had the doors and windows open. Jerry looked at me for a moment before deciding that he was going to ignore me; I consider that to be progress! I’ll be back home in a few days, so maybe he’s working out how to punish me appropriately for leaving him. Don has sports again — this is the time of year when it’s almost incessant and I have to plan activities with other people to escape CFL, NFL, MLB, NHL… all that alphabet soup of leagues.
Continued good sleep, and my appetite is consistent. I had a mildly unhappy tummy for a couple of hours, for no reason I could see, but it may have been that I ate too quickly or that I ate too late or something similar. I’ve been happily gorging on fruits — I mean, if you’re visiting an area called “Fruitland” you’d better believe that there will be loads of fruit! Plus friends who have plum and pear trees, so I’ve been having those.
I was able to connect with one of my mother’s best friends, dating back to their high school years. She’s always been absolutely delightful and we love her dearly. Neither of us is particularly regular at communicating — shocking, I know, given how much and how often I write! — but she admits that she’s terrible at keeping in touch with her friends. It was such fun to catch up with her this afternoon. Unfortunately I didn’t see her this trip, but at least there’s video calling so I can see that she hasn’t aged a day!
Well, the first week of school is over, and my niece came home with bandages on her knees — she had a fall in school and scraped them — and she’s guarding them because it’s proof of ouchies. Like most little ones she likes having bandages and will often ask for one even if there’s no visible injury. My nephew is currently standing on his head because… well, why not? They’re watching story videos on TV so they’re quieter than usual as they’re glued to the screen. (None of the videos that we’ve seen dozens of times so far this week, so whew 😥) Instead, it’s animal identification and sounds (you know, “What sound does a horse make?”) That’s fine, until I’m asked what a peacock sounds like or to imitate a hippo…
It’s almost time for dinner and meds, so I’ll be off for the moment. I’ll just add a small note here for prayers for the successful surgery and quick recovery for one of my relatives who will be facing an operation tomorrow; I’m respecting their wishes to not identify them, just asking that they be held in loving, healing thoughts. Good night!
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