Summer weekend

Warm summer weather rolled in today and it went up to 27C and was overcast before a short shower sprinkled down.  Given that it’s Labour Day weekend, I expected bigger crowds but thankfully it was not bad.  My boys were up this morning and we chatted; my niece came into the call and was showing off her new school items to Uncle Don.  Jerry went into his “ignore” mode and wouldn’t even flick his ear when I spoke to him.  It was funny; after a couple of minutes, he moved to lie on Don’s tummy and patted him to let him know that he’d been on the phone long enough.  Don says he’s eating regularly, but I have my doubts.  Somehow he can’t remember what he had when I ask, hence my uncertainty.

I had a pretty decent sleep last night, to the point that I thought today was Sunday!  I only woke up 3 times (that I remember) which is a major improvement over the last few nights.  We all woke up later this morning (weekends are usually more relaxed than during the week) and I got to sleep in past 9.  Apparently children are pretty decent alarm clocks, waking up with the sun except when there are things planned!  ðŸ˜† 

We took a drive to Port Dalhousie today to see Theodore the Tugboat — star of children’s TV from the 1990s.  The one that docked at the marina is the Theodore Too, as the original is about a metre long!  It was the first time that the small ones were on a boat, and they were so excited!  We drove into the parking lot, and they were pointing and yelling, “There’s Theo!!”  There wasn’t a line when we arrived, so they were able to walk up the gangplank and walk around the deck — there’s really not much to see.  The cabin is set up with a small table, but the doors are chained off.  They came off, and I went on as it seemed to be accessible.  A walk around the boat takes about a minute and a half, and the most challenging thing for me was getting on and off the gangplank.  The kids came back on while I was on, and we took a few photos.  Then we went over to the carousel, which costs a whopping 5 cents a ride!  Apparently it’s been running (and using that price) since 1921!  My niece had several rides; my nephew preferred the more active things on the playground.  Later, ice cream and home.  Fun outing, and I’m hearing all about how they saw the tugboat and played on the carousel; some disappointment as it started to rain, so they couldn’t play longer (than almost 2 hours!!!)  The only downside for me is that I walked a little too much and am now in so much pain that I can’t have my niece on my lap, which she really enjoys. I feel badly for that, but I’m really sore… too sore to climb upstairs, so I’m sitting to recover.

They’ve promised a quiet day tomorrow, which I’d really appreciate, although I feel a guilty at depriving everyone of a chance for more fun.  This is reminding me, unnecessarily, that I can’t do as much as I’d like and that my strength is poor.  I literally went from bench to bench to the car, while the little ones were running excitedly.  I also couldn’t easily climb onto the carousel, so I missed that too (although at that point my back was already letting me know that it didn’t approve of my exertion.  No lectures, please.  I know.  

That being said, I’m going to try to drag myself upstairs and get to bed after chugging my pills.  I’ll be fine, I know.  I just need rest.  And I’ll be able to hug the little ones tomorrow instead.  They’re being decent about it, just coming to ask “Can I sit on your lap Auntie Sonja?”  Going away to their mom when I say no.  I’ll go rest now, and we’ll see how quickly I can get back to myself.  Good night.


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