Rest day

Yesterday’s outing on the tugboat.  For those who watched children’s programming in the mid-1990s this is apparently a familiar sight.  I remember Thomas the Tank Engine which was a contemporary only because my godchildren used to watch that and Blue’s Clues.  I admit that my preferred children’s show was Sesame Street and like many others of my generation, we can quote many of the clips and still use them in daily conversation, to the shock of others who didn’t have the same attachment we did.  My boys were a little challenging to get hold of this morning, and it took me a couple of calls and texts before I got them.  Don said that he’d apparently turned off his phone, so he called me back.  I teased him about screening his calls, and he just laughed at that, saying that he doesn’t get many calls, so he only answers his phone when I’m away (true enough) so screening isn’t something he does! 😝  Jerry reacted to my niece when we were talking, and looked interested when she spoke with him, but then turned his back on me!!  I do not understand how he manages to slip in that distinction every time!

As I said last night, I was in considerable pain from having over exerted myself in the past few days with multiple outings, long (for me) walks and so forth.  I was tucked up in bed shortly after 7:30pm and I slept off and on throughout the night.  I woke up several times with back pain that would interfere with my sleep and my sister rubbed my back with a muscle rub, which helped a bit.  Today the small people crept into my room just after 9am, when my niece rubbed my back to make it better 😊 and even my nephew, who is usually quite boisterous, was gently hugging me.  We watched a few videos where they were soft on my back, and of course, I read to them.  I did eat, small portions as always, but at least I managed to join the family meals.  Improvements!  Tonight we’re up a little later than yesterday as they were outside playing this afternoon, and I’ll be going to bed shortly.

The small people continue to amuse me.  I told my niece the legend of the phoenix (I wear a phoenix pendant) and she had me repeat it about 10 times, correcting me any time I changed any words.  Then she randomly started telling me the legend, word for word what I’d said.  We were reading some nursery rhymes this morning, and they insisted that I sing all of them.  I don’t know the same tunes they do, so there were many corrections as Auntie learned the “right way” to sing Jack and Jill.  I also got my instructions for the teddy bear’s Christmas present of a blanket… My nephew came to hug me last night, saw a small car on the night table and stared at it until I said he could have it and he lit up like a Christmas tree.  His fascination with vehicles is legendary.  As a note, people who gift small children noisy toys are evil!  He got an excavator that plays about 8 bars of techno, honks a horn and flashes a disco light… I’d happily lose the batteries and convert it to a door stop, but my sister threatens violence since the boy likes it.  He will play it ALL. Day. Long if he could.  But those noisy toys play the same sample repeatedly, blare, buzz and generally disturb the peace and the batteries seem to be eternal!!  I understand why retail workers hate these things with the burning passion they do!

Anyway, it’s bedtime and I can’t skip the hugs and kisses before sleep, not that I want to!  So, my dears, I’ll leave you and go do my Aunt duties!  Good night.


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