
Summer is coming to an end, but it’s going out so prettily!  It was another fairly mild day today, although it started off being chilly enough to see your breath, but it warmed up during the day.  It’s getting towards sunset — the days are shortening noticeably! — and it’s getting cooler now, so I had to grab my wrap.  Jerry is trying to mooch some of Don’s dinner now… he’s standing right against his leg, looking mournfully as Don takes each bite.  I’m trying not to laugh, because he’s ignoring me, and if he pays attention to me, I’ll lose my iPad and my typing time.  Don’s still not feeling good, and stubbornly refuses to seek medical attention.  When I say to his son, “Tell your Dad he needs to go to the doctor,” Junior just says, “He’s your problem now… good luck with getting him to a doctor!”  This is not new behaviour for him, because he really doesn’t like doctors, although he’ll ensure that I get to every one of my appointments.  I hope that he starts feeling better soon, really.  He’s able to watch his sports so I think he’s slowly improving.

I had my appointment with my palliative care doctor this afternoon.  After we talked, we agreed that there’s no need to change any of my medications, and we’ll continue to monitor my progress.  We talked about my sleep pattern, which is super annoying.  I mean, I’m often awake during the night, but I conk out as soon as the sun hits my eyes in the morning.  The assorted sleeping meds don’t seem to make a significant difference, except that I feel hungover the next morning.  As it is, I won’t stress too much, as that might interrupt my sleep even further.  I’ll maintain my practice of early bed and waking at the same time.  There are days when I have more energy, and I’ll use them as wisely as possible.  The cough has gone again, so fingers crossed it will stay away.  My appetite is measurably better today, so we’ll celebrate the small wins, right?

I’m starting on my new project.  My niece has ordered a blanket for her teddy to be “blue and pink with a ballerina on it.”  I’ve got the blue and pink and I’m trying a new technique with these colours so stay tuned!  Still in search of a ballerina pattern, which may take a while.  My nephew is not a stuffed toy kind of guy, so I’m struggling to come up with what he can get.  I can’t provide a gift for one and not the other.  Quite apart from all else, my niece would tear strips off me for forgetting her brother.  He’s very much into cars, trucks, trains and construction equipment, so… I’ll have to pull out my thinking cap!

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night craving something impossible?  I was awake this morning at 2am longing for a dish that was an occasional special at a restaurant that’s been closed for almost 30 years.  It was a small barbecue place that did some culinary sorcery on rib ends in a spicy barbecue sauce.  The ribs would be sold in a bowl — about 2 cup size — and we’d get rice and slaw or chicken to accompany it.  Their chicken was also delicious, soaked in sauce and just awesome, but that pork… sharing the bowl among 4 (or sometimes more) people was difficult, as everyone just wanted more.  They’d limit how much any one customer could buy, and it was always a one-and-done deal.  I’ve never been able to replicate the sauce, or the ribs or anything of the sort, and it was tragic when the restaurant closed.  I mentioned it to my family this morning, and it started a wave of nostalgia and hunger… at least I’m not the only one craving that today! 😂

Jerry is now in a mood and will be here to knock the iPad off my lap in a minute.  I’m going to go get my dinner (we ordered Popeye’s chicken) and take my “with food” drugs.  Then I’m off to bed because I can feel the tiredness creeping up… Good night!


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