Back home!
It’s a beautiful, cool day today and yesterday, although yesterday was overcast and slightly chilly. I spent the afternoon yesterday on the train heading back home to Ottawa. We were maybe 20 minutes late, but I’d booked an earlier train, so I got in at 7 instead of my usual midnight. It was much nicer, getting in while it was still light — the sun had started to set, but it was a lovely long twilight. Don came to get me, accompanied by the tiny monster who yapped at the wheelchair attendant and the charming young man who was bringing my luggage. After having ignored me for the 2 weeks I was away, Jerry tried to climb onto me, lick me and get hugs all at once! He has had a challenge, trying to decide which of us to follow around. I’m again a dog bed and cushion, and last night he spent much of the night on my tummy and tried walking over me to settle down. He spent most of the morning on my lap, and is now cuddling with Don with one eye fixed firmly on me to make sure that I don’t go anywhere unaccompanied!
On the way home from the train, we stopped briefly to pick up some groceries and then home. I got in just before 8, took my meds and went to bed. I lay awake for maybe 5 minutes before I fell into a deep sleep and I’m really tempted to go in now, but if I do, I’ll lie awake for hours around 2 am. So I’m trying to stay awake until at least 8:30 when I will have my meds and crash. At the moment, my eyes are fluttering down, so I don’t know how long I’ll be able to focus. I ate some of the Caribbean Chinese meal we bought on Saturday evening; I had it as an emergency ration in case the train meal wasn’t good, but luckily I didn’t need it.
When we got to the train yesterday, I saw that the official greeting me at the door was someone who had looked after me on a previous trip; she’s also Trinidadian and is related to a family that I’ve known for most of my life — and given that it’s a small town, with some very old families, also known to my grandmother, mother and aunts. Turned out also that her aunt is a close friend of my friend! We were very excited to meet again, and I introduced her to L, who was thrilled! She then told the crew that I was her aunt, and they spoiled me all the way home. It was a lovely trip, not overly exhausting and I dozed and read. My nurse and support worker were both scheduled to arrive before 10am, so at least that was done. I’m still rather tired, and I’m likely to head in to sleep early.
My little niece took the bus today to school for the first time today. Last week, she said that she was “too tiny” to take the bus, and it was only for “the bigger girls.” No idea where that came from, but today she took the bus and is very excited by it! I’m sort of missing them, because we get along well, but they are tiring. Jerry, on the other hand, is busy making sure that I’m not bored and is trying to get my attention by butting my leg with his nose. He wants to jump on my lap and curl up, or more likely, try to steal a snack from me! I definitely missed him and his persistence. I know it’s really early, but I’m utterly exhausted so off I go. Good night!
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