I apologize for skipping a day yesterday. I’m still recovering from my trip and the travels, and catching up on quite a lot of sleep! The weather has been pleasant, and is trending towards classic autumn temperatures with very cool nights and the need for a sweater during the day. I’d love to be out more — I’ve actually got several invitations that I’ll be scheduling soon — but for this week at least, it’ll be lots of sleep and R&R. Don hasn’t been feeling well since I got home. He’s been staying away from me because he’s afraid that he might have picked up something catching, although I don’t know where/when or how that could have happened. He’s been complaining of nausea quite a lot, but refusing any meds or attention from doctors, and sleeping a lot too. Jerry is bouncing back and forth between us, but he’s mostly glued to me especially at night where he sleeps on my tummy. He refuses to acknowledge that 4kg of puppy on a full bladder is a dangerous combination, so I’ve become adept of getting out of bed before anything negative happens.
I’ve been sleeping almost 10 hours a night, waking up briefly to drink water (often without even opening my eyes) and back to sleep quickly. I’ve been eating fairly regularly; the Chinese that we bought on the weekend finished today — it was a total of 4 meals for me. An equivalent meal fed almost 2 adults in one sitting, with some extras! I’m not complaining, just observing. The pharmacy also called, and will be delivering my chemo meds on Monday afternoon; I’d forgotten that it was about renewal time!
My friend is at home, recovering, and says that while it’s been mostly pain-free, feeling is beginning to return to the area of surgery, so the aches are likely to begin. Thankfully, things are going according to plan, so we’re optimistic at this point.
I was updated that my niece took the bus by herself this week. She was so excited that she ran into the house on her return to tell her brother, but he wasn’t home yet! I’ll have to call for updates on this. She also got her very first birthday party invitation from one of the other children in her class; as is typical for kindergarten, the whole class (approximately 25 children) are invited. That exceeds my limit for small people, so I’m not sad that I’ll be in Ottawa that day!
I’m wondering if I’m being overly cautious by avoiding shows/concerts/events. I know that it’s getting into cold and flu season, and there are warnings that this year will be particularly bad with increases in influenza, RSV and Covid-19 infections. I’ve had a lot of encounters with very selfish individuals who will get onto public transportation with chesty coughs, sneezes and not even my 3-year-old nephew’s training to cover your mouth and nose when you are coughing or sneezing. I don’t like wearing masks any more than the average person, but I will to reduce my risk of contracting something. I don’t see any reason to stress my immune system more than necessary, but I’m also thinking that I might be missing a number of fun activities because I avoid crowds. Short of paying for VIP/limited access (which is stupidly expensive) I’m not sure how to minimize contact. I’d love to go to things like farmers’ markets, but those need to be timed so I’m not in the busiest times. Of course, the other consideration is how long I can walk and stand (current limit is about 10 minutes before I need to sit) so that also affects my participation. Any ideas of how I can do more without increasing the risk would be welcomed!
I know it’s early again, but I’m still catching up on my rest AND I have an early appointment tomorrow. So I’ll eat something soon, then off to bed by 8… I’m fine with early nights and rest, although the dog will be settled on me for most of the night! Good night!
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