Labour Day
Happy Labour Day to my fellow Canucks (and the assorted Yanks) It was boiling hot and humid today — 30C by 11am, and even worse later, with beautiful sunshine and very few clouds. I’m not sure if there are fireworks later, but it’s supposed to be quite hot for most of the week and no rain forecast for several days. The humidity will be, to say the least, difficult. When I spoke with Don this morning, rather early, he said that he hadn’t slept at all — I did get texts at 3 and 5am saying that he was still awake. It was just before 7 when we spoke, and even then Jerry just looked at me on the phone, yawned widely, did his full body stretch and turned his back on me. I’ve given up trying to talk to him on the phone, because he seems to enjoy ignoring me! We chatted for a while, then I said that I wanted to get some sleep. We hung up, I put the phone down… and it immediately rang! Don said that he’d forgotten to tell me something, but it was mostly to tease me about not sleeping when he was on the phone 😝 Ottawa is also having heat warnings, although southern Ontario is forecast as hotter this week.
I did sleep reasonably well last night, having also taken one of my pills. That helps considerably, as I’m less sluggish and tired and generally have a little more energy. It’s not my imagination but when I’m in pain I definitely don’t eat much and am likely to have bouts of nausea. Yeah, had that issue in the last couple of days, including waves of unexpected nausea last night. It’s most annoying, and I strongly dislike that sort of thing, since it means more meds and less time to play!
They were out today to the beach; I stuck my head out for a moment, found that breathing was suddenly a massive challenge, and opted to stay home, where I watched (again) Sherlock; I hadn’t seen it in some years, so it was fun to see. I also watched an episode of The Great Greek Myths — Oedipus Rex. Definitely the stuff of great tragedy, although I did wonder how old Jocasta was when she had Oedipus to be able to marry him when he was over 20 and give birth to four more children. I know that’s not the usual question, but I do wonder about it. I also think that Freud was off base in naming the Oedipal complex as he did. I mean, Oedipus (poor victim of the Fates) had no such desire towards Jocasta, who he met as an adult, and he didn’t know his father when they met at the crossroads. Freud had some serious issues where women were concerned, is my view.
The kids seemed initially disappointed that I wasn’t going to the beach, but their excitement overwhelmed that, and were soon bouncing happily at going to the beach. The videos that I saw looked like they had a great time paddling and building sand sculptures. It was obviously a great day, and they returned home ravenous and tired. My niece has reached the stage where she thinks she’s too old for daytime naps, so we half-watched Finding Dory and some episodes of Minnie Mouse. The former was ok, the latter not so much. My nephew had a nap, so at least he shouldn’t be too cranky tonight! School starts tomorrow, and she’s getting ready; her stuff is being labelled for her first day of junior kindergarten. She says that she’s half excited and half nervous, but has been explaining to me how to get on and off the school bus, and that it’s important to listen to the bus driver’s instructions. My nephew feels a little left out, and keeps saying that he’s going to “big school” too. We’ve explained that he has to wait another year, but they have always been together, so we’ll see how he reacts to this change.
I’m going to try to find something to eat; it’s that time of day and I’m almost hungry. Is it mean of me to say that I rather enjoyed watching shows that are not geared for pre-schoolers? I understand now when parents comment on the need for adult conversation; I’ve answered so many questions on my favourite colour, letter, princess / cartoon character, construction equipment that I’m not sure that I can talk about many other topics! I also got the order for the blanket for the teddy bear — it’s remarkably detailed! And apparently I’m supposed to deliver it in person! I’m waiting for the instructions for other presents — and I’m being laughed at by my sister, who says, “That’s your issue. I’m out. And since you have instructions, it’s up to you!” (No sympathy from my own sibling! Talk about family support! 😝) That’s all for now, Good night!
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